Universität Wien
Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.

040229 SE Politikinhalte der EU (2017S)

Die EU zwischen Marktkonstituierung und Marktkorrektur (MA)

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 4 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung


Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").


max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

  • Mittwoch 01.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 08.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 15.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 22.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 29.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 05.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 26.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 03.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 10.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 17.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 24.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 31.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 07.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 14.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 21.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone
  • Mittwoch 28.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Studierzone


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

In the process of European integration, member states have largely centralized competition policy at the European level and thereby moved the provision of public services to a significant extent from the public sector to the market. Through the application of the “four market freedoms”, and “mutual recognition” of foreign regulatory standards, they also opened up domestic markets in goods and services for foreign competition, sometimes governed by foreign regulation. At the same time, however, liberalization seems to have unleashed an unprecedented level of regulatory activity at the EU level, and member-states often successfully “export” their domestic regulations to the EU level.
This seminar uses European integration theory to explain these and other seeming contradictions in regulatory EU policy. It provides and introduction to EU policy using instances of market constituting (liberal) and market-correcting (interventionist) policies as examples. It explores the tensions between these policies, their dynamics and potential for conflict; and it examines how and to what extent market constitution and market correction are embedded in the EU’s institutional architecture.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel


This is an interactive seminar that builds on student input.

- A handful of discussion questions will be assigned for each session. The students are required to read the assigned literature with this question in mind and to prepare their answers.

- In each seminar session, several students will be picked at random and asked to present their answers as a discussion seed. This takes the form of an informal and very short "mini presentation", three to five minutes in duration. There will be no additional "long form" presentations.

- Each student has to submit one term paper of 3000 words (+/- 5%, counting only the body). The paper examines a suitable research question (to be discussed with the lecturer) and develops a consistent argument. As a minimum, it discusses eight relevant articles, detailing how they inform the research question; half of the articles should be found through the student’s own research.

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

Coursework assessment:

- The paper counts 55%; constructive, knowledgeable, and prepared engagement in the discussion counts 45% towards the final grade.

- Plagiarism, even of a short passage, leads to immediate failing of the course.

- The term paper is due no later than three weeks after the last session, at midnight of the last day.



Helen Wallace and Christine Reh, “An Institutional Anatomy and Five Policy-Modes,” in Policy-Making in the European Union, ed. Helen Wallace, Mark A. Pollack, and Alasdair A. Young, 7. ed. (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2015), 72–112.

This text will be made available on moodle. Subsequent reading assignments will be announced in the syllabus and have to be obtained by the students themselves.

Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:29