Universität Wien
Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.

130066 PS Sozialgeschichte der Lit. (PS): Postcolonial Con-Texts (2013S)

Writing Back to the Canon

Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung

Die persönliche Anmeldung zu der LV findet am Do, 21.2. von 15 bis 19 Uhr, am Fr. 22.2. von 9 bis 13 Uhr, am Mo, 25.2. von 9 bis 13 Uhr und am Di, 26.2. von 15 bis 19 Uhr bei der Studienrichtungsvertretung im 1. Stock, Sensengasse 3a statt.


max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch


Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert

  • Dienstag 05.03. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 12.03. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 19.03. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 09.04. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 16.04. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 23.04. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 30.04. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 07.05. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 14.05. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 28.05. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 04.06. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 11.06. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 18.06. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
  • Dienstag 25.06. 12:00 - 14:00 Seminarraum 2 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG


Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung

The re-reading and re-writing of the English "classic texts" in the 20th century became a way for the formerly colonized to resist or challenge a Eurocentric vision of the world that represented colonized peoples and cultures as marginal, inferior and dependent on the European cultures. This "writing back", "counter-discourse" or "con-texts" contest the authority of the English canon as well as the whole discursive field within which these texts operated and continue to operate in the postcolonial world. It involves the abrogation of the imperial centre within the text and the active appropriation of the language and culture of that centre. Hence, dominated literatures are characterized by subversion, hybridity and syncreticity: the language and culture of the colonizer are appropriated and used against the colonizer as an instrument of subversion and resistance to assert the value of own culture and identity.
Over the last 20 years, the study of postcolonial rewritings of the English canon has attracted considerable attention. This course will focus on the most famous examples, attempting to survey some of the distinctive characteristics of such writing.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

Participation (20 %), oral presentation (20 %), argumentation essay, 10 -12 pages (60 %)

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

* identify, analyse and understand key philosophical, historical, social and aesthetic issues of postcolonial literature
* analyse key postcolonial works in terms of their social, historical, philosophical, and aesthetic significance
* apply close reading skills to a variety of literary texts
* reflect critically on the relations between primary texts and relevant secondary texts
* discriminate between ideas and and justify personal positions
* produce well-structured, relevant arguments with an appropriate intellectual framework



Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis


Letzte Änderung: Do 04.07.2024 00:12