170600 SE MA 1.1. "Inszenierungsformen und ästhetische Wahrnehmung" (2018S)
race class gender ethnicity. A critical analysis of the global media.
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Anmeldung: Die selbstständige Anmeldung über u:space innerhalb der Anmeldephase zu Semesterbeginn ist für die Teilnahme an dieser Lehrveranstaltung verpflichtend. Eine nachträgliche Anmeldung ist nicht möglich. Die Anmeldezeiten entnehmen Sie bitte unserer Homepage unter https://spl-tfm.univie.ac.at/studium/Anwesenheitspflicht in der ersten Einheit: Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fern bleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung. Studierende von der Warteliste können nachrücken.Plagiate: Prüfungsleistungen und Prüfungszugänge, die durch das Verwenden unerlaubter Hilfsmittel oder durch absichtsvolles Plagiieren erlangt werden, werden laut Satzung der Universität Wien (§13, §74) nicht beurteilt, sondern im Sammelzeugnis untilgbar mit (X) bewertet. Dies ist auch nach bereits erfolgter Benotung rückwirkend möglich, wenn sich der Tatbestand des Plagiats erst im Nachhinein erweisen sollte. Als Plagiat gilt die absichtsvolle und undeklarierte Übernahme von fremdem geistigen Eigentum ohne Angabe der Quelle; der Begriff des Plagiats umfasst dabei wörtliche Zitate ebenso wie übersetzte Übernahmen und Paraphrasen.Weitere Infos zum Studium finden Sie unter https://spl-tfm.univie.ac.at/
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Di 06.02.2018 09:00 bis Di 20.02.2018 23:55
- Anmeldung von Do 22.02.2018 09:00 bis Do 01.03.2018 23:55
- Abmeldung bis So 18.03.2018 23:55
max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
- Donnerstag 03.05. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 08.05. 09:45 - 14:45 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 15.05. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
- Donnerstag 17.05. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
- Donnerstag 24.05. 09:45 - 14:45 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 29.05. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 2 2H415 UZA II Rotunde
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Course objectives
The course will seek to involve the students in a learning intensive environment utilizing two primary modes of interaction:
-Synchronous learning: ‘Live lectures’ accompanied by real-time class discussion.
-Asynchronous learning: Students will take part in online threaded discussions exploring the readings and screenings. It is important that all class members participate, contributing your insights into the topic as well as commenting on each other’s input. From Monday to Thursday, each threaded discussion will have questions assigned to the readings that are intended to challenge our understanding of the key problems the course challenges us to understand. All students are required to make at least 2 postings for each question posted. I suggest you read your assignments THE NIGHT BEFORE the class meeting dates, since you will be discussing the subject on the class meeting day.The class will be composed of:
a. Live lectures.
b. Readings from assigned books.
c. Threaded discussion by students
d. Community learning. You will write a research paper/
The course will include several different technologies. These are:
Live lectures with screenings
Threaded discussions online
Student feedback during lectures
Sharing drafts of research papers.
TestingGradingPop Quiz #1 5%
Pop Quiz #2 5%
Pop Quiz #3 5%
Final Exam 25%
Participation 20%
Research Assignment 40%Beginning the second week, the class will break into ‘working groups’ to begin researching and writing a class book focusing on themes of films, intolerance and censorship. Class members will work in small groups, each person writing a chapter on a select film that reflects a specific story involving censorship. We will review your choices and the working groups during the second day of class.
Student research report will examine a specific story related to the media and the issues of race, gender and ethnicity. I will work with each of you individually, helping you explore the questions you will attempt to answer as you design and write your report.Here are some basic ‘research group’ questions that students will ask.What am I going to do?
You will all help write a book!
Yes, each of you will write a chapter for a book that will be available to you as a PDF at the end of the class.How will I write a chapter?
You will work in ‘peer-review’ research groups. You will help each other make your chapter the best possible by giving feedback to drafts, suggested readings that may help a chapter and other suggestions. I will also give each of you feedback on your drafts.At the second day of class, I will give you a list of suggested chapter topics. Pick one that interests you and begin researching the subject during the first week. All readings and discussions occur from Monday through Thursday. You will have time to research and write from Friday through Sunday.
The course will seek to involve the students in a learning intensive environment utilizing two primary modes of interaction:
-Synchronous learning: ‘Live lectures’ accompanied by real-time class discussion.
-Asynchronous learning: Students will take part in online threaded discussions exploring the readings and screenings. It is important that all class members participate, contributing your insights into the topic as well as commenting on each other’s input. From Monday to Thursday, each threaded discussion will have questions assigned to the readings that are intended to challenge our understanding of the key problems the course challenges us to understand. All students are required to make at least 2 postings for each question posted. I suggest you read your assignments THE NIGHT BEFORE the class meeting dates, since you will be discussing the subject on the class meeting day.The class will be composed of:
a. Live lectures.
b. Readings from assigned books.
c. Threaded discussion by students
d. Community learning. You will write a research paper/
The course will include several different technologies. These are:
Live lectures with screenings
Threaded discussions online
Student feedback during lectures
Sharing drafts of research papers.
TestingGradingPop Quiz #1 5%
Pop Quiz #2 5%
Pop Quiz #3 5%
Final Exam 25%
Participation 20%
Research Assignment 40%Beginning the second week, the class will break into ‘working groups’ to begin researching and writing a class book focusing on themes of films, intolerance and censorship. Class members will work in small groups, each person writing a chapter on a select film that reflects a specific story involving censorship. We will review your choices and the working groups during the second day of class.
Student research report will examine a specific story related to the media and the issues of race, gender and ethnicity. I will work with each of you individually, helping you explore the questions you will attempt to answer as you design and write your report.Here are some basic ‘research group’ questions that students will ask.What am I going to do?
You will all help write a book!
Yes, each of you will write a chapter for a book that will be available to you as a PDF at the end of the class.How will I write a chapter?
You will work in ‘peer-review’ research groups. You will help each other make your chapter the best possible by giving feedback to drafts, suggested readings that may help a chapter and other suggestions. I will also give each of you feedback on your drafts.At the second day of class, I will give you a list of suggested chapter topics. Pick one that interests you and begin researching the subject during the first week. All readings and discussions occur from Monday through Thursday. You will have time to research and write from Friday through Sunday.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
- Fluent in English
- Pass written exams
- Write Research Report
- Be active in class discussions and online threaded discussion.
- Pass written exams
- Write Research Report
- Be active in class discussions and online threaded discussion.
- 3 quizzes based on readings.
- Final Exam based on Lecture and Powerpoints.
- Research paper. Subject for paper given second session of class.
- Final Exam based on Lecture and Powerpoints.
- Research paper. Subject for paper given second session of class.
Primary Text
Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez
Gender, Race & Class in Media.
Sage Publications.
Selected Chapters
Isbn 0-7169-2260-1Selected Readings
Francis Couvares
Movie Censorship and American Culture
Univ mass press pgs 187-209
Goodness had nothing to do with it
Marybeth hamilton
Isbn 13:978-1-55849-575-3Jack G. Shaheen
Reel Bad Arabs
Olive Branch Press 2000
Introduction: Pgs. 1-37
Isbn 1-56656-388-7Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, & Bucks
Donald Bogue
Continuum m NY 1989
Isbn 0-8264-0416-2
Pgs 3-18
The brutal black buck and the Birth of a NationThe Community of Cinema
James Forsher
Praeger Westport conn 2003
Isbn 0-275-97355-7Racial Spectacles
Jonothan Markovitz
Ch5 Racial Spectacles under an Anti-Racist Gaze.
Pgs 125-158
Isbn13: 978-0-414-88383-2Race, Multiculturalism, and the Media
Wilson Gutierrez
Sage Publications 1995
Ch 4 pg 86 -107
Movies and tv from ww2 to the brink of a new century
Isbn 0-8039-4629-5Unspeakable Images
Lester D Friedman
University of Illinois Press
Pg 11-35
Ch 1. Celluloid palimpsests
1991The Celluloid Closet
Vito Russo
Harper and Row NY 1987
Pg 4-59
Who’s a sissy
ISBN 0-06-096132-5Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America.
Volume 1 . Ch 18 Future condition of 3 Races.
Pt. 1-5 (kindle free download)
Gail Dines, Jean M. Humez
Gender, Race & Class in Media.
Sage Publications.
Selected Chapters
Isbn 0-7169-2260-1Selected Readings
Francis Couvares
Movie Censorship and American Culture
Univ mass press pgs 187-209
Goodness had nothing to do with it
Marybeth hamilton
Isbn 13:978-1-55849-575-3Jack G. Shaheen
Reel Bad Arabs
Olive Branch Press 2000
Introduction: Pgs. 1-37
Isbn 1-56656-388-7Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, & Bucks
Donald Bogue
Continuum m NY 1989
Isbn 0-8264-0416-2
Pgs 3-18
The brutal black buck and the Birth of a NationThe Community of Cinema
James Forsher
Praeger Westport conn 2003
Isbn 0-275-97355-7Racial Spectacles
Jonothan Markovitz
Ch5 Racial Spectacles under an Anti-Racist Gaze.
Pgs 125-158
Isbn13: 978-0-414-88383-2Race, Multiculturalism, and the Media
Wilson Gutierrez
Sage Publications 1995
Ch 4 pg 86 -107
Movies and tv from ww2 to the brink of a new century
Isbn 0-8039-4629-5Unspeakable Images
Lester D Friedman
University of Illinois Press
Pg 11-35
Ch 1. Celluloid palimpsests
1991The Celluloid Closet
Vito Russo
Harper and Row NY 1987
Pg 4-59
Who’s a sissy
ISBN 0-06-096132-5Alexis de Tocqueville Democracy in America.
Volume 1 . Ch 18 Future condition of 3 Races.
Pt. 1-5 (kindle free download)
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
092: § 5(1)
Letzte Änderung: Sa 02.04.2022 00:21
A number of important problems will be explored, including:- How do we define ‘race’?
- How do we define ‘ethnicity’?
- What is ‘Cultural Studies’?
- What is Gender Studies?
- We live in a post-industrial society in which regulation of ‘for-profit media’ is minimal at best. How do we critically analyze the discursive power of media in our lives?
- How do we analyze sub-textual messages that are inherent in much of our media?
- Media conglomerates have grown in power and size over the past 3 decades. How has this consolidation affected the content and context of media?
- How do we understand the relationship of race and media in a contextual manner over the past century?
- How can we tell when political races contain specific messages targeted to different ethnic and racial groups?
- What power does the media hold if any- on viewers attitudes toward race, gender and ethnicity?
- How is the concept of ‘mainstreaming’ tied to the media?
- How has the ‘youth culture’ resisted mainstreaming by the media and in fact helped create new values toward race, gender and ethnicity?
- How has the media reflected political battles that have engaged society?
- What does the term’ ideology’ mean and why is it an important concept in cultural studies?
- Do you agree with the belief that ‘ideologies create inequalities?’ -
- How are messages ‘encoded’ into cultural texts? How can one read and interpret ‘encoded’ texts?- How does technology affect the content of media and its messages?
- How does the distribution and ownership of media entities affect both production and content?
- How has the shift of media ownership affected political content of messages?
- How has the use of ‘semiotics’ helped change the analysis of meaning in studying race, ethnicity and gender usage in the media?
- How does ‘textual analysis’ combine formalist analysis with critique of cultural meaning implied by gender, race and class?