Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.
190198 SE WM-M14 Bildung und Gender (2017W)
Gendered Education: with an international perspective
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Fr 01.09.2017 06:30 bis Mi 20.09.2017 09:00
- Anmeldung von Fr 22.09.2017 09:00 bis Fr 29.09.2017 11:00
- Abmeldung bis Mo 16.10.2017 09:00
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
- Montag 09.10. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 23.10. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 06.11. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 20.11. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 04.12. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 15.01. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
- Montag 29.01. 09:45 - 13:00 Seminarraum 5 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
The weighting for the final course grade will be as follows:
- Attendance/participation 10%
- Assignments 20%
- Leading Class Discussion 30%
- Seminar Paper 40%
The weighting for the final course grade will be as follows:
- Attendance/participation 10%
- Assignments 20%
- Leading Class Discussion 30%
- Seminar Paper 40%
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Leading class discussions: Each class member will be assigned to a theme based on the course calendar. You will be responsible for initiating and leading class discussion for that day. The preparation of a single sheet of discussion questions or some other visual aid to engage the class (Power Point, poster, etc.) is encouraged. Presentations should help engage the class in a lively discussion of the readings.Seminar Paper: You are expected to write a 15 pages long paper examining a related research topic. Your paper will be evaluated on cohesiveness, clarity, rational lines of argument, evenhandedness (both sides of issue) and appropriate use of the English language. You will be given a rubric regarding the expectations and scoring.
This course will mainly base on scientific articles, books and book chapters. You are also required to conduct a literature review on your thematic subject. Readings will be uploaded on Moodle. Some basic sources for the course are:
Arnot, M., & Mac an Ghaill, M. (Eds.) (2006). The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Gender and Education. London: Routledge
Ball, S. (Ed.) (2004). The Routledge Falmer Reader in Sociology of Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Ballantine, H. & Hammack, F. M. (Eds.) (2009). The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Bausch, L. S.: Boys will Be Boys? : Bridging the great gendered literacy divide. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Davies, K., Evans, M., & Lorber, J. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of Gender and Womens Studies. London: Sage
Fennell, S., & Arnot, M. (Eds.) (2008). Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: Conceptual frameworks and policy. London: Routledge.
Grumet, Madeleine R. (1988). Bitter Milk: Women and Teaching. Amherst: University of Mass Press.
Hallinan, M. T. (Ed.) (2000). Handbook of the Sociology of Education. NY: Springer.
Holz, O., & Shelton, F. (Eds.) (2013). Education and Gender: Gender-specific education and different countries, historical aspects and trends. Münster: Waxmann.
Jossey-Bass Reader (2002). Gender in Education. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kopelson, Karen. Dis/integrating the Gay/Queer Binary: Reconstructed Identity Politics for a Performative Pedagogy. College English 65.1 (2002): 17-35.New York: Routledge
Meyer, E. J., & Carlson, D. (Eds.) (2008). Gender and Sexualities in Education. New York: Peter Lang
Meyer, E. J. (2010). Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools: An Introduction. London: Springer
Paechter, C. (1998). Education the other: gender, power and schooling. London: The Falmer Press.
Paechter, C. (2006). Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: power, identities and gender. Gender and Education, 18, 3, pp. 253-263.
Rasmussen, M. L. (2006). Becoming Subjects: Sexualities and secondary schooling. London: Routledge
Skelton, C., Frances, B., & Smulyan, L. (Eds.) (2006). The Sage Handbook of Gender and Education. London: Sage.
Sadovnik, A. R. (Ed.) (2007). Sociology of Education: A critical reader. New York: Routledge.
Streitmatter, S. (1999). For Girls only: Making a case for single-sex schooling. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Tembon, M., & Fort, L. (Eds.) (2008) Girls Education in the 21st Century: Gender Equality, Empowerment, and Economic Growth perspectives. Washington: World Bank
Thorne, B. (1997) Gender Play: Girls and boys in school. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ Press.
UNESCO (2003). Gender
Arnot, M., & Mac an Ghaill, M. (Eds.) (2006). The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Gender and Education. London: Routledge
Ball, S. (Ed.) (2004). The Routledge Falmer Reader in Sociology of Education. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Ballantine, H. & Hammack, F. M. (Eds.) (2009). The Sociology of Education: A Systematic Analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Bausch, L. S.: Boys will Be Boys? : Bridging the great gendered literacy divide. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Davies, K., Evans, M., & Lorber, J. (Eds.) (2006). Handbook of Gender and Womens Studies. London: Sage
Fennell, S., & Arnot, M. (Eds.) (2008). Gender Education and Equality in a Global Context: Conceptual frameworks and policy. London: Routledge.
Grumet, Madeleine R. (1988). Bitter Milk: Women and Teaching. Amherst: University of Mass Press.
Hallinan, M. T. (Ed.) (2000). Handbook of the Sociology of Education. NY: Springer.
Holz, O., & Shelton, F. (Eds.) (2013). Education and Gender: Gender-specific education and different countries, historical aspects and trends. Münster: Waxmann.
Jossey-Bass Reader (2002). Gender in Education. San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass.
Kopelson, Karen. Dis/integrating the Gay/Queer Binary: Reconstructed Identity Politics for a Performative Pedagogy. College English 65.1 (2002): 17-35.New York: Routledge
Meyer, E. J., & Carlson, D. (Eds.) (2008). Gender and Sexualities in Education. New York: Peter Lang
Meyer, E. J. (2010). Gender and Sexual Diversity in Schools: An Introduction. London: Springer
Paechter, C. (1998). Education the other: gender, power and schooling. London: The Falmer Press.
Paechter, C. (2006). Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: power, identities and gender. Gender and Education, 18, 3, pp. 253-263.
Rasmussen, M. L. (2006). Becoming Subjects: Sexualities and secondary schooling. London: Routledge
Skelton, C., Frances, B., & Smulyan, L. (Eds.) (2006). The Sage Handbook of Gender and Education. London: Sage.
Sadovnik, A. R. (Ed.) (2007). Sociology of Education: A critical reader. New York: Routledge.
Streitmatter, S. (1999). For Girls only: Making a case for single-sex schooling. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Tembon, M., & Fort, L. (Eds.) (2008) Girls Education in the 21st Century: Gender Equality, Empowerment, and Economic Growth perspectives. Washington: World Bank
Thorne, B. (1997) Gender Play: Girls and boys in school. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ Press.
UNESCO (2003). Gender
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:37
- understand the concept and methodology of gender in education
- express knowledge of theoretical concepts related to research on societal gender structures and power in education
- show a basic understanding of gender in education from an international perspective
- explore the effects of gender in education at different levels of education
- describe and analyse different conditions in current school systems from a gender perspective
- investigate links and intersections among gender, class, race/ethnicity, sexual identity, dis/ability, etc. in educational settings
- explore legislation and policy intended to address sexism in public schooling
- understand and experience feminist pedagogy
- have the ability to critically compare gender equality from an international perspective
- read, evaluate and reflect on scholarly research on education
- engage in related literature in order to answer their own questions as well as this courses essential questions
- write a scholarly paper examining one of the questions of the courseMain themes of the course are as follows:
-- Gender theory and methodology
-The nature of gender
-Methodology of gender
-Feminist pedagogy
--Gender and educational sectors
-Early years, Elementary School, and Secondary Schooling
-Post-secondary education
-Single Sex or Co-ed?
--Gender and school subjects
-Math, Science, Techonology, Literacy and Language
-Hidden curriculum
--Intersecting Identities
-Sexuality, disability, race, class
-Queer pedagogy
--Gender in work environment
-Working in schools and universities from gender perspective
--Gender and education in global perspective
-Gender specific education in different countries
--Economy and policy of gender in education
--Programmes and policies designed to mitigate gender inequalities