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200196 SE Bachelorarbeit (2018S)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Do 15.02.2018 13:50 bis Sa 17.02.2018 13:40
- Abmeldung bis Sa 17.02.2018 13:40
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
10-16 is dedicated to group meetings with me but 1-2:30 PM is dedicated to teaching for the whole-class, attendance during the teaching time is mandatory.
You should free your calendar on every Thursday from 10-16 to plan group meetings and virtual meetings with me.
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
20% of grading will rate your active participation in your group project and in class.
30% of grading will rate the quality (content 70%, form 30%) of the part common to your whole group in your Bachelor thesis.
50% of grading will rate the quality content 70%, form 30%) of the part of Bachelor thesis you wrote on your own.
If your group decided there is no group part, the individual part will count as 60% and the coherence of the whole thesis will count as 20%.
30% of grading will rate the quality (content 70%, form 30%) of the part common to your whole group in your Bachelor thesis.
50% of grading will rate the quality content 70%, form 30%) of the part of Bachelor thesis you wrote on your own.
If your group decided there is no group part, the individual part will count as 60% and the coherence of the whole thesis will count as 20%.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
YOU NEED TO HAVE FOLLOWED MY SCIENTIFIC READING COURSE DURING WINTER SEMESTER 2017 TO ATTEND THIS COURSE.You need to form a group of 6 students. You can create a new group or keep and modify your previous group. The group formation has to be finished by the end of the day of first class (15.03.2018).The final version of the bachelor thesis should be handed by 31th of July. Expected length is 35000-40000 letters (about 20 pages), title page, abstract, appendix, and references list not included.
The thesis has to be written in English.
The thesis has to be written in English.
Each group will decide democratically its own way of writing the bachelor thesis. Here are a few propositions but other ways are welcome:
(a) Group writes Method & Results & Appendix) sections together (group part) and Introduction & Discussion sections are written individually. [Recommended by me]
(b) Each member write a different section of the thesis. So, no group part. [Coordinate well to make the whole thesis coherent! ]
(c) Each member focuses on a specific sub-question/hypothesis and thus write a sub-part of each section. [Coordinate well to make the whole thesis coherent! ]You have to decide and notify me by the end of the second class (12.04.2018) which proposition you chose.
(a) Group writes Method & Results & Appendix) sections together (group part) and Introduction & Discussion sections are written individually. [Recommended by me]
(b) Each member write a different section of the thesis. So, no group part. [Coordinate well to make the whole thesis coherent! ]
(c) Each member focuses on a specific sub-question/hypothesis and thus write a sub-part of each section. [Coordinate well to make the whole thesis coherent! ]You have to decide and notify me by the end of the second class (12.04.2018) which proposition you chose.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:37
This course provides guidance how to conduct a research project from which a scientific report will be written, that is, the bachelor thesis.
Specifically, since the skills to develop the theoretical background were trained during Scientific Reading, this course will focus on
(1) the practical preparation and planning of the experiment,
(2) the training of experimenter practice and data collection,
(3) the data analysis and hypotheses testing,
and (4) the writing of the scientific report in line with the Bachelor thesis guidelines.