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220069 SE SE Scientific Skills: Scientific Writing, Presentation and Publication, Grant Writing (2019W)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
The class will provide an overview and exercises of the following topics:- Manuscript preparation and abstract writing- Functioning of the peer review process- Displaying results- Scientific epistemology and methodological issuesThe class includes several hands on parts where students will have the opportunity to practice their skills in the above mentioned areas
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Mo 16.09.2019 09:00 bis Do 31.10.2019 23:59
- Abmeldung bis Do 31.10.2019 23:59
max. 30 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
Students must attend the meetings. There are 8 2-hour meetings in the months October and November of 2019. A one-time absence of one of these meetings is allowed only for medically documented illness or injury, and the teacher should be notified of the absence over email prior to the beginning of the meeting. The 9th meeting on December 17 (the mini-conference) is from 1.30 pm to 6.30 pm and attendance is mandatory.
- Dienstag 08.10. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 15.10. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 22.10. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 29.10. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 05.11. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 12.11. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 19.11. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 26.11. 16:15 - 18:15 Seminarraum 1 2H316 UZA II Rotunde
- Dienstag 17.12. 13:30 - 18:30 Seminarraum 2, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
The Scientific Skills class aims at providing students with comprehensive information on the research process including topics such as the academic system, the academic publishing process, critical thinking and close reading, and the formal academic standards for a paper/presentation/proposal. Furthermore, central debates in the Social Sciences are discussed and we will study some of the core aspects of designing a research setup, including conceptualization, measuring constructs, causality and research methods.
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Grading and Assignments
(1) Mini quizzes about literature (individual) 30 %
(2) Portfolio with research exercises (individual) 30 %
(3) Presentation of research proposal (group) 10%
(4) Research proposal, final draft (group) 30 %
(1) Mini quizzes about literature (individual) 30 %
(2) Portfolio with research exercises (individual) 30 %
(3) Presentation of research proposal (group) 10%
(4) Research proposal, final draft (group) 30 %
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Students should get a feeling how to prepare a research article / grant proposal / conference paper and abstract which have a realistic chance to "survive" the international peer-review process.
Required TextsAll required readings are posted to the course Moodle in .pdf format.Mandatory Readings- Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). "Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices". Textbooks Collection. 3.
- Bos, L., Van der Brug, W., & De Vreese, C. (2011). How the media shape perceptions of right-wing populist leaders. Political Communication, 28(2), 182-206.
- Gerring, J. (2011). Social science methodology: A unified framework. Cambridge University Press.
- King, G., Keohane, R. O., & Verba, S. (1994). Designing social inquiry: Scientific inference in qualitative research. Princeton university press.
- Lau, R. R., & Pomper, G. M. (2001). Effects of negative campaigning on turnout in US Senate elections, 1988–1998. Journal of Politics, 63(3), 804-819.
- Mutz, D. C., & Reeves, B. (2005). The new videomalaise: Effects of televised incivility on political trust. American Political Science Review, 99(1), 1-15.
- Popper, K. (1953). Philosophy of Science: a Personal Report. Lecture on ‘Science: Conjectures and Refutations’. The British Council.
- Toulmin, S. (1958). The uses of argument. Cambridge University Press.
- Bos, L., Van der Brug, W., & De Vreese, C. (2011). How the media shape perceptions of right-wing populist leaders. Political Communication, 28(2), 182-206.
- Gerring, J. (2011). Social science methodology: A unified framework. Cambridge University Press.
- King, G., Keohane, R. O., & Verba, S. (1994). Designing social inquiry: Scientific inference in qualitative research. Princeton university press.
- Lau, R. R., & Pomper, G. M. (2001). Effects of negative campaigning on turnout in US Senate elections, 1988–1998. Journal of Politics, 63(3), 804-819.
- Mutz, D. C., & Reeves, B. (2005). The new videomalaise: Effects of televised incivility on political trust. American Political Science Review, 99(1), 1-15.
- Popper, K. (1953). Philosophy of Science: a Personal Report. Lecture on ‘Science: Conjectures and Refutations’. The British Council.
- Toulmin, S. (1958). The uses of argument. Cambridge University Press.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Sa 02.04.2022 00:23