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230207 SE Global Challenges and Local Responses: The Case Andalusia (2010S)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Do 18.02.2010 20:00 bis Fr 26.02.2010 20:00
- Anmeldung von Do 04.03.2010 08:00 bis Mo 08.03.2010 18:00
- Abmeldung bis Mi 31.03.2010 23:59
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Termine (iCal) - nächster Termin ist mit N markiert
- Freitag 12.03. 14:00 - 20:00 Inst. f. Soziologie, Seminarraum 2, Rooseveltplatz 2, 1.Stock
- Samstag 13.03. 13:00 - 20:00 Inst. f. Soziologie, Seminarraum 2, Rooseveltplatz 2, 1.Stock
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
One of the main purposes of the said active learning is to unify the processes of teaching and learning. Moreover, attendance at sessions will be strongly considered in determining the final grade, so that students must register every day their names and signatures on a list. All this will be complemented with a short essay summarizing and / or critically commenting a part or the whole items of the course. An alternative to the essay is to design a research project on a specific local response to globalization. Both the essay and the project must no exceed 8 pages (one space, A-4, font times New Roman 12pt) and be written (in English, French or Spanish language) individually or in group (in this case by not more than 3 persons). The deadline for sending the essay or the alternative research project (by e-mail to Prof. Francisco Entrena-Durán <>) is along the next months following the end of the course.
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
A key goal is, after completion of this course, participants have a better awareness on globalization and how it impacts our growingly glocalized everyday life. Another essential purpose is the students become familiar with the concepts and analytical strategies discussed in the classroom. It is expected this will provide them with an analytical background useful to carry out concrete case studies.
First the professor presents to the students the essential contents of each session. Power Point is used in these presentations. The students will previously receive the entire basic literature where the basic contents of the course are developed. The aim of this is twice: facilitate their better understanding of professorial lessons and enable them to have an active learning. This active learning has to be shown by continuously inquiring and participating in the classroom discussions. In fact, the active participation along the sessions of the course will be one of the indicators used by the professor for grading.
Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2001) "Socioeconomic restructurings of the local settings in the era of globalization", Protosociology, Volume 15, pp. 297-310, "On a Sociology of Borderlines. Studies in the Time of Globalization", Frankfurt, Germany.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2002) "Social Change, Inequalities and Conflicts in Andalusia", Mediterranean Studies, Volume X, pp. 181-207, Ashgate Publishing Company, Vermont USA.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (editor and author) (2003) Local reactions to globalization processes: competitive adaptation or socio-economic erosion, Nova Science Publishers, New York.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2004) "Inequalities and social unrest in Andalusia: from mobilizations claiming the land allotment to a pluralism of oppositions and disputes", The Doubt, Transnational Review of Political and Social Analysis, Year V, Number 1, pp 81-103, March, Roma.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2006) "Types of social protests in El Ejido: a context of increasingly glocalized urban sprawl and agricultural development", The Doubt, Transnational Review of Political and Social Analysis, Roma, Year VII, Nº 1/3, pp. 71-91Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2009) "Understanding Social Structure in the Context of Global Uncertainties", Critical Sociology, Number 35(4) (July) pp. 521-540,án, Francisco y Goméz Mateos, Jesús (2000) "Globalization and socio economic restructurings in Andalusia: Challenges and possible alternatives", European Sociological Review, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 93-114, Oxford University Press / European Consortium for Sociological Research.COMPLEMENTARY LITERATURE
A list of references, which isn't exhaustive, aims to provide a more far-reaching information to those students interested in deepening on the course topics. This list will be provided in the beginning of the course.
Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2001) "Socioeconomic restructurings of the local settings in the era of globalization", Protosociology, Volume 15, pp. 297-310, "On a Sociology of Borderlines. Studies in the Time of Globalization", Frankfurt, Germany.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2002) "Social Change, Inequalities and Conflicts in Andalusia", Mediterranean Studies, Volume X, pp. 181-207, Ashgate Publishing Company, Vermont USA.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (editor and author) (2003) Local reactions to globalization processes: competitive adaptation or socio-economic erosion, Nova Science Publishers, New York.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2004) "Inequalities and social unrest in Andalusia: from mobilizations claiming the land allotment to a pluralism of oppositions and disputes", The Doubt, Transnational Review of Political and Social Analysis, Year V, Number 1, pp 81-103, March, Roma.Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2006) "Types of social protests in El Ejido: a context of increasingly glocalized urban sprawl and agricultural development", The Doubt, Transnational Review of Political and Social Analysis, Roma, Year VII, Nº 1/3, pp. 71-91Entrena-Durán, Francisco (2009) "Understanding Social Structure in the Context of Global Uncertainties", Critical Sociology, Number 35(4) (July) pp. 521-540,án, Francisco y Goméz Mateos, Jesús (2000) "Globalization and socio economic restructurings in Andalusia: Challenges and possible alternatives", European Sociological Review, Volume 16, Number 1, pp. 93-114, Oxford University Press / European Consortium for Sociological Research.COMPLEMENTARY LITERATURE
A list of references, which isn't exhaustive, aims to provide a more far-reaching information to those students interested in deepening on the course topics. This list will be provided in the beginning of the course.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
in 905: MA EF Erweiterung Forschungsspezialisierung (Sozialstruktur) oder MA SM Sozialwissenschaftliches Wahlmodul |
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:39
- Globalization as westernization: a) conquest and evangelization, b) settlement and civilization, c) modernization in its "socialistic" and liberal-capitalist versions.
- On the whirl of globality and its challenges.
- Globalization impacts our everyday frequently local lives: current trends from localism to glocalization.
- Facing global challenges from glocal settings.
- Beyond dichotomous viewpoints on glocal dynamics: they occur in social sceneries whose research requires totalizing methodologies.
- On the concepts of deterritorialization and reterritorialization: their suitability for wholly facing the researches on both glocal dynamics and local responses to global challenges.
- A three-dimensional approach to both deterritorialization and reterritorialization: socio-economic, politico-institutional y symbolic-cultural dimensions.
- Four paradigmatic local responses to global challenges:
*Towards a rising glocalization of both social structures and their productive and reproductive processes.
*Socioeconomic restructurings of the local settings in the era of globalization.
*Socio-economic restructurings at the regional level: the case of Andalusia.
*Trends towards the glocalization of certain social protests: The case of "El Ejido" in the andalusian province of Almería (Spain).