240098 PS Gender Trouble: Gender Benders in English Literature (2020W)
Wahllehrveranstaltung Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung (pi; 4 ECTS)
Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung
MA Gender Studies (Version 2013):
IS Individuelle SchwerpunktsetzungMA Gender Studies (Version 2020):
PM 3 Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung
Wahllehrveranstaltung Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung
IS Individuelle SchwerpunktsetzungMA Gender Studies (Version 2020):
PM 3 Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung
Wahllehrveranstaltung Individuelle Schwerpunktsetzung
Hinweis: Ihr Anmeldezeitpunkt innerhalb der Frist hat keine Auswirkungen auf die Platzvergabe (kein "first come, first served").
- Anmeldung von Di 01.09.2020 00:01 bis Mi 23.09.2020 23:59
- Abmeldung bis Sa 31.10.2020 23:59
max. 25 Teilnehmer*innen
Sprache: Englisch
Until further notice, the following modalities apply:
18.11.2020 (online/videochat 16:45-18:15)
25.11.2020 (online/asynchronous)
02.12.2020 (online/videochat 16:45-18:15)
09.12.2020 (online/videochat 16:45-18:15)
16.12.2020 (online/asynchronous)
13.01.2020 (online/videochat 16:45-18:15)
20.01.2020 (online/asynchronous)
17.01.2020 (online/videochat 16:45-18:15)
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
As Judith Butler observed in her seminal book Gender Trouble, gender is neither a natural nor a stable category. On the contrary, gender must be understood as a 'free-floating artifice', a fluid concept in which 'man and masculine might just as easily signify a female body as a male one, and woman and feminine a male body as easily as a female one' (Butler, Gender Trouble 9).Throughout history, many literary texts have proven themselves sensitive to the troubling qualities of gender stereotypes and have attempted to break with them by depicting men and women who defy neat classifications. Literary representations of such ‘gender benders’ are the focus of this course.Students will be acquainted with literary character types that challenge established notions of femininity and masculinity but also with their more conventional counterparts. Through teacher and peer input, students will be familiarised with the historical cultural and political backgrounds that promoted an age’s respective gender ideals (as well as their subversion) and that led to the emergence of certain literary character types. Moreover, students will be familiarised with the key concepts of gender studies by reading a wide variety of key theoretical texts and will be encouraged to apply these concepts to the analysis of selected literary texts. By means of group and classroom discussions, we will explore the narrative functions of gender benders in literary texts and how literary images of ‘troubled’ femininities/masculinities relate to the categories of class and race.
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Active in-class and online participation, timely preparation of the assigned reading material and of discussion questions (or other tasks), preparation of and participation in an expert session (involving expert input during the session as well as the preparation of a handout and of discussion questions or other tasks), term paper on a self-chosen topic (ca. 3,500 words).
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
Assessment will be based on students’ active in-class and online participation, their performance as experts in the expert session and a term paper. Students will be awarded points for their performance in these three areas.In order to get a pass grade, students have to at least score 60 out of 100 points and fulfil all course requirements (i.e. participate actively in discussions (both online and on site), act as experts in an expert session, and hand in a term paper at the end of the term).Plagiarism will automatically result in a failing grade.Students can miss two sessions (with a doctor's note an additional third session may be missed, but needs to be compensated for at the teacher's discretion).Expert session: 30 points
Active in-class and online participation: 25 points
Term paper: 45 pointsGrading Scale:
1 (sehr gut): 90-100 points
2 (gut): 89-80 points
3 (befriedigend): 79-70 points
4 (genügend): 69-60 points
5 (nicht genügend): 59-0 points
Active in-class and online participation: 25 points
Term paper: 45 pointsGrading Scale:
1 (sehr gut): 90-100 points
2 (gut): 89-80 points
3 (befriedigend): 79-70 points
4 (genügend): 69-60 points
5 (nicht genügend): 59-0 points
The primary and secondary literature discussed in class.
Longer texts (in order of discussion):Ben Jonson’s Epicoene; Or, The Silent Woman (the play text can, for example, be found in The Routledge Anthology of Renaissance Drama, which is available as ebook via the university library)Aphra Behn’s OroonokoWilkie Collins’s The Woman in WhiteVirginia Woolf’s OrlandoWe are also going to read a range of shorter texts, which are going to be provided in full or as excerpts on Moodle.
Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
Letzte Änderung: Mo 09.11.2020 05:09