270305 SE+UE Moderne Methoden zur Charakterisierung von Materialien (2016S)
- Anmeldung von Di 26.01.2016 08:00 bis Mi 09.03.2016 13:30
- Abmeldung bis Mi 09.03.2016 13:30
Vorbesprechung im Rahmen der Wahlfachvorbesprechung am 26.01.2016
This course is part of a larger LV entitled "Materialwissenschaftliches Praktikum", which combines LV 260060 (PR "Praktikum Materialphysik", 8 ECTS) in the Faculty of Physics as well as the LV 270305 (SE+UE "Moderne Methoden zur Charakterisierung von Materialien", 3.5 ECTS) in the Faculty of Chemistry. The part in the Faculty of Chemistry comprises 4 Experiments outlined below.
Mandatory for all participants is the first meeting to discuss terms and dates of the combined lacourse on Wednesday 9th March 2016, at 11:00 Uhr in room E32 (ground floor, left to elevator into the library) in the Faculty of Physics.
The complete labcourse (LV 260060+LV 270305) intends to provide an introduction in the most important techniques of material chemistry in general. Therefore the complete labcourse (in Physics and Physical/Materials Chemistry) is highly recommended as a specific preparation for master work and/or a doctoral thesis in materials chemistry.
Ziele, Inhalte und Methode der Lehrveranstaltung
Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel
Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab
The course is highly recommended as a specific preparation for master work and/or a doctoral thesis in materials chemistry.
The course intends to provide a general introduction into the tasks of crystal structure determination (a) from X-ray powder data as well as (b) from X-ray single crystal data.
These techniques will be demonstrated on selected examples.
The course is highly recommended as a specific preparation for master work and/or a doctoral thesis in materials chemistry.