300506 VO VBC Vorlesung, Teil I (2012S)
Ort: IMBA-HS Dr. Bohr-Gasse 3, 1030 Wien.
Termine: Dienstag, 17.00 -18.30 Uhr
Lecture I. 13/3: Introduction to structural biology (Gang Dong/MFPL)
Lecture II. 20/3: Academy Structure Awards 2011 (Tim Clausen/IMP)
Lecture III. 27/3: Overview of electron microscopy (Guenter Resch/CSF)
Lecture IV. 3/4: Computational biophysics of macromolecules (Bojan Zagrovic/MFPL)
Lecture V. 10/4: Structure analysis of biological macromolecules in solution by small angle X-ray scattering (Guest speaker: Dmitri Svergun/EMBL Hamburg)
Lecture VI. 17/4: EM studies of cytoskeleton and cell motility (Victor Small/IMBA)
Lecture VII. 24/4: Multi-scale understanding of biological function (Alipasha Vaziri/IMP, MFPL)
Lecture VIII. 8/5: Structural biology of lipid-activated signal transduction (Thomas Leonard/MFPL)
Lecture IX. 15/5: The structural biology of unstructured proteins (Robert Konrat/MFPL)
Lecture X. 22/5: Structural characterization of muscle Z-disk using integrated techniques (Kristina Djinovic/MFPL)Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
Termine: Dienstag, 17.00 -18.30 Uhr
Lecture I. 13/3: Introduction to structural biology (Gang Dong/MFPL)
Lecture II. 20/3: Academy Structure Awards 2011 (Tim Clausen/IMP)
Lecture III. 27/3: Overview of electron microscopy (Guenter Resch/CSF)
Lecture IV. 3/4: Computational biophysics of macromolecules (Bojan Zagrovic/MFPL)
Lecture V. 10/4: Structure analysis of biological macromolecules in solution by small angle X-ray scattering (Guest speaker: Dmitri Svergun/EMBL Hamburg)
Lecture VI. 17/4: EM studies of cytoskeleton and cell motility (Victor Small/IMBA)
Lecture VII. 24/4: Multi-scale understanding of biological function (Alipasha Vaziri/IMP, MFPL)
Lecture VIII. 8/5: Structural biology of lipid-activated signal transduction (Thomas Leonard/MFPL)
Lecture IX. 15/5: The structural biology of unstructured proteins (Robert Konrat/MFPL)
Lecture X. 22/5: Structural characterization of muscle Z-disk using integrated techniques (Kristina Djinovic/MFPL)Weitere Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
Sprache: Englisch
Zur Zeit sind keine Termine bekannt.
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Zuordnung im Vorlesungsverzeichnis
PhD-MB 3
Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43
Erster Zyklus zum Thema: Entwicklung und Funktion des Immunsystemes.