Universität Wien

141011 VO Syrisch Aramäisch II (2021W)


Montag 07.03.2022




The exam will consist of an excerpt from a text in Syriac which students will be required to translate. Translations may be in either English or German. Students may use any grammars, dictionaries, class notes, and/or power-points from the course. This exam is take-home, meaning that it will be handed out to students on the last day of class (Monday 31.01.2022), with a week given to students in which to complete the exam. The last day of class will be devoted to in-class reading of Syriac material.

Art der Leistungskontrolle und erlaubte Hilfsmittel

50% of a student's final grade for the course is based on performance on the final exam. The remaining 50% is based on homework (25%) and class participation (25%).

Mindestanforderungen und Beurteilungsmaßstab

Here is the grading system that will be used when evaluating students' performance:
1 (91-100%) very good
2 (78-90%) good
3 (66-77%) sufficient
4 (53-65%) passable
5 (0-52%) not enought to pass the course

Letzte Änderung: Mo 07.03.2022 14:29