Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Julia Hüttner, MSc
- Mail: julia.huettner@univie.ac.at
- Telefon: +43-1-4277-42493
Visitenkarte: vCard
Forschungsprofil: u:cris
Sprechstunde: I am on research leave during Summer Semester 2025. There will be office hours roughly once a month, posted on Termino.
Master and PhD supervisees: if the dates/times don't work for you, please contact me via email for alternative meeting timesPlease check Termino for the exact time and available timeslotsTo join: Please register here (full name and matriculation number) in the Termino and in brackets, whether you want to join online / onsite and then enter via Zoom using the link given on the Termino page. If you have to cancel, please email me.https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/f5f79a674c6df132253cd4472eaace27-80223
Master and PhD supervisees: if the dates/times don't work for you, please contact me via email for alternative meeting timesPlease check Termino for the exact time and available timeslotsTo join: Please register here (full name and matriculation number) in the Termino and in brackets, whether you want to join online / onsite and then enter via Zoom using the link given on the Termino page. If you have to cancel, please email me.https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/p/f5f79a674c6df132253cd4472eaace27-80223
Please note that I am not available to chair MA defenses until October 2025
stv. Leiterin - Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Lehre (iCal)
- 120001 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Researching L2 writing: Understanding process and product
- 120015 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - CLIL
- 126720 VK BEd 7.2: VK Principles of English Language Teaching (Methodology, Materials, Media)
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Researching L2 writing: Understanding process and product
- 120016 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Researching L2 writing: Understanding process and product
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - CLIL
- 126720 VK BEd 7.2: VK Principles of English Language Teaching (Methodology, Materials, Media)
- 420010 SE Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft mit Fokus auf diskursanalytischen Ansätzen
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Inclusion in ELT: researching and supporting individual learning trajectories
- 126210 KU BEd 11.2: KU Practicum Coaching, Materials Evaluation and Development
- 126230 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - English for Specific Purposes
- 120001 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Analysing and Teaching L2 Writing
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Analysing and Teaching L2 Writing
- 120016 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 420010 SE Forschung zu Sprache im Bildungskontext: theoretische und methodische Überlegungen
- 120001 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Analysing and Teaching L2 Writing
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Analysing and Teaching L2 Writing
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - Content-and-Language-Integrated Learning
- 126233 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - English für Specific Purposes
- 120000 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Analysing and teaching L2 writing
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching - Diversity in the EFL Classroom
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Neurodiversity and ELT: researching and supporting individual learning trajectories
- 120009 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar - Neurodiversity and ELT: researching and supporting individual learning trajectories
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Diversity in the EFL Classroom
- 126232 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- 120002 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 120013 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 420004 SE Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Educational Linguistics
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 120005 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 120014 SE MEd 05: SE Thesis Seminar - Linguistics and Language Pedagogy
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 120004 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Content and Language Integrated Learning
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 126231 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Analysing Learner Language for pedagogic purposes
- 126232 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching - Content-and-Language-Integrated-Learning
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 420009 SE Sprache im Unterricht. Forschungsansätze innerhalb der Educational Linguistics
- 126010 FK ELT Foundations 1 / Introduction to Language Teaching 1
- 126232 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching
- 126233 VK MEd 01A/B: VK Specific Issues in Language Learning and Teaching / Specific Issues in EFL Teaching
- 126290 KO Principles of English Language Teaching Methodology
- 120157 AR Linguistics course (interactive) 223/224 - Analysing and teaching spoken English
- 120125 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120155 AR Interdisziplinärer Kurs (501) - Approaching ESP Texts
- 120129 VO Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120155 PS Proseminar Cultural and Regional Studies (Interdisciplinary Course): Intercultural Communication
- 120169 AR Begleitübung für BetreuungslehrerInnen
- 120037 PS Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Second Language Acquisition
- 120119 KO Freies Wahlfach Linguistik: Research methods in linguistics
- 120032 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course 501
- 120082 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - Second language acquisition
- 120037 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar: Second Language Acquisition
- 120119 KO Research Methods in Linguistics - Research Methods in Linguistics
- 120082 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
- 120126 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
- 120081 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
- 120132 AR Interdiscipl. course: Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course 501: Approaching ESP Texts
- 120082 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
- 120113 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Approaching ESP Texts
- 713030 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Interdisciplinary Course 501: Approaching ESP Texts
- 713801 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar
- 713812 PS English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar - English Linguistics: Introductory Seminar 204
- 728603 AR Approaching ESP Texts - Approaching ESP Texts
- 713229 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 713966 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 720446 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 720448 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 713229 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 713966 VK Language Analysis - Language Analysis 102
- 713237 UE Integrated Language and Study Skills I - Integrated Language and Study Skills I 111
- 713614 UE Englische Sprachübungen II - Englische Sprachübungen II
- 713237 UE Englische Sprachübungen I - Englische Sprachübungen I
- 713261 UE Englische Sprachübungen I - Englische Sprachübungen I
- 713614 UE Englische Sprachübungen I - Englische Sprachübungen I
- 713213 UE Sprechpraktikum - Sprechpraktikum Britisches Englisch (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 763390 UE Sprechpraktikum - Sprechpraktikum Britisches Englisch (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 713138 UE Sprechpraktikum - Sprechpraktikum (Aufnahme nach § 7 Abs. 8 UniStG.)
- 713213 UE Sprechpraktikum F - Sprechpraktikum F (Aufnahme nach § 10 Abs. 4 AHStG.)
Letzte Änderung: Di 18.02.2025 11:20