ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Zettelmann
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Lehre (iCal)
- 120010 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2 - From Restoration Comedy to Writers of the Caribbean Diaspora
- 120010 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts (MA)
- 060021 VO Storytelling: Erzählen als Medium der Weltwahrnehmung und Weltgestaltung
- 120010 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2 - From Restoration Comedy to Writers of the Caribbean Diaspora
- 120006 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts (MA)
- 120006 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 123044 PS PS Literary Studies - The Power of Narrative
- 124643 VO BEd 04.3: History of Literatures in English
- 120006 VO Approaching Literatures in English
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers - Political Poetry, Instapoetry, Song Lyrics, Spoken Word
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers - Black Lives Matter: Cultural Learning through Literature
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts / Theory (MA)
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124643 VO BEd 04.3: History of Literatures in English
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts / Theory (MA)
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124643 VO BEd 04.3: History of Literatures in English
- 128303 VO Literary and Cultural Theories and Concepts / Theory (MA)
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 123221 SE Literary Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Lyric Narratives: the Stories Poems Tell
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124643 VO BEd 04.3: History of Literatures in English
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Reading the Vampire: Sexuality, Alterity and the Undead
- 124083 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124084 VK BEd 08a.3: VK Literature for Language Teachers
- 124643 VO BEd 04.3: History of Literatures in English
- 120412 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.2 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123041 PS Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Mothers and Daughters: Literary Renderings of a Complex Relationship
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - 'Make it new': Literary Experiment
- 120010 OV Orientierungsveranstaltungen Anglistik - BEd StEOP
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Heteroglossia, Polyphony, Multiple Points of View
- 124341 PS Literary Studies / Proseminar Literature - Creative Tension: Conflict in Literature
- 120412 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.2 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Lyric Words, Lyric Worlds
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Unnatural Narratives
- 120017 SE Staff seminar / Literature - Betreuungsseminar
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - The Lyric Subject: the Construction of Identity and Selfhood in Poetry
- 123234 AR Literature Course (interactive) - Tragedy: Phases, Forms, Formative Texts
- 123235 AR Literature Course (interactive) - Comedy: Phases, Forms, Formative Texts
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - On Laughter
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Illusion vs. Artifice
- 128482 SE MA-Seminar (Literature/Cultural Studies)
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Kaleidoscopic Narratives: Multiperspectivity in the Novel and Beyond
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - The History of Poetry: a Close Reading of Canonical Texts
- 128303 AR Theory (MA) - Modes of Reading
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123030 VO Literature Survey 2
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Science Fiction as Cognitive Estrangement
- 128303 AR Theory (MA) - Theory-driven Close Reading
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Literary Experiment
- 123250 AR Literature Course - Literature 1/2 (MA) British/Irish/New English - Poetry Workshop
- 123421 SE Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Blood Read: Vampires in Literature, Film and Popular Culture
- 120412 VO STEOP (A046): BEd 1.2 Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123047 PS Proseminar Literature / Literary Studies - The Mother/Daughter Plot: Literary Renderings of a Complex Relationship
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Short Fiction in English: Theory and Practice
- 123230 AR Literature Course (interactive) - Spotlights on Poetry
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123047 PS Proseminar Literature - Creative Tensions: Conflict in Literature
- 123423 SE Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Breaking the Fourth Wall: On Meta-Effects in Literature, Graphic Novels, TV and Film
- 127012 KO Critical Readings in Literature
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123222 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Relative Truths: Multiperspectivity and Unreliable Narration in Narrative Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Film.
- 123231 AR Literature Course (interactive) - Intermediality, Intertextuality and Remediation: Medially Complex Forms in the Verbal, Visual and Performative Arts
- 127012 KO Critical Readings in Literature
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123221 SE Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Immersion, Thrill, Suspense
- 129006 AR Research Methodology (MA / Literature)
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123041 PS Proseminar Literature - Of Mothers and Daughters
- 123226 SE Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Seminar/BA-Arbeit / MA-Seminar - Blood Lines: Vampires in Literature
- 127010 KO Critical Readings in Literature
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - The Aesthetics of Deviation
- 123425 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Natural Narratives - Unnatural Narration
- 127010 KO Critical Readings in Literature
- 123010 VO STEOP: Introduction to the Study of Literature
- 123223 SE Literature Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Science Fiction: Dystopia, Space Opera, Cyberpunk
- 123425 SE Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA Paper / MA British/Irish/New English - Science Fiction: The Classics
- 127010 KO Critical Readings in Literature
- 130048 VO Kulturelle Aspekte der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
- 120005 VO Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120009 KO Reading Skills BA = Lektürekompetenz
- 120111 SE Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - The Text as Emotion Machine: The Psychology of Reading for Pleasure
- 120005 VO Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120009 KO Reading Skills BA = Lektürekompetenz - Reading and Interpreting English Texts from Various Centuries
- 120021 SE Literary & Cultural Studies Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - Impossible Texts
- 120031 AR Literature Course (interactive) 323/324 - Mongrel Genres: Intermediality in the Verbal, Visual and Performative Arts
- 120045 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA-Seminar
- 120005 VO Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120021 SE Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit / MA British/Irish/New English - When texts turn self-conscious: metatextuality in literature and the visual arts
- 120045 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA-Seminar
- 120066 VO Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120005 VO Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120012 SE Literary Seminar (322) = Seminar Literaturwissenschaft / BA-Arbeit - Blood, Violence, Immortality: Vampires in Text and Image
- 120081 PS Literature: Introductory Seminar (304) - Coercion, Oppression, Patriarchy: Texts on Tyranny
- 120114 VO Literatures in English - Ringvorlesung - Areas of Research
- 120031 AR Literature Course (interactive) 323/324 - Flash Fiction: Very Short Literary Forms
- 120033 PS Literature: Introductory Seminar (304) - Of Mothers and Daughters: Literary Renderings of a Complex Relationship
- 120045 SE DiplomandInnenseminar = MA-Seminar
- 120118 SE Literary Seminar (322) = Seminar Literaturwissenschaft / BA-Arbeit - Fantasy Literature
- 120034 VO Survey of Literatures in English 2 - British Literature 1660-2000
- 120045 SE MA-Seminar (Literature/Cultural Studies) - DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120118 SE Literary Seminar / BA-Arbeit: Tension, Thrill, Suspense - Hair-raising Effects in Short Story, Novel, Ballad, Drama and Film
- 120061 VO Survey of Literatures in English 2 - British Literature 1660 - 2000
- 120128 AR 'Blockbuster Poetry': Britains's Best-Loved Lyrics
- 120136 PS Introductory Seminar (literature) - Probing the Literary Elite: Nobel Prize Winners Re-examined
- 120031 AR Game Cultures: Computer Games as New Media - Literature Course
- 120034 VO Survey of Literatures in English II - British Literature 1700-2000
- 120118 SE Sex, Love, Betrayal: The Construction of Passion in English Love Poetry - Literary Seminar
- 120039 AR Beginning the Novel - Beginning the Novel: Exploring the Magic of the First Page in Early English Narrative Fiction
- 120128 AR Poetry in the EFL classroom - 'Sky in the Pie' - Poetry in the EFL Classroom
- 120136 PS Literature: Introductory Seminar - Introductory Seminar: Romanticism
- 120031 AR Lit. Course: Doing English: Teaching Literature - Lit. Course: Doing English: Teaching Literature in the English foreign language classroom
- 120118 SE Lit. Seminar: Early English Comedy - Literary Seminar: Early English Comedy
- 120035 SE Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
- 120101 SE Literary Seminar - Literary Seminar
- 703307 PS Literature: Introductory Seminar - Literature: Introductory Seminar 304
- 713117 VO From Classicism to Modernism - From Classicism to Modernism: A Brief Survey 303
- 713062 VO Survey of English Literature - Survey of English Literature
- 713117 VO From Classicism to Modernismn - From Classicism to Modernism: A Brief Survey
- 763697 UE Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar - Literaturwissenschaftliches Proseminar (Aufnahme nach Uni.StG § 7 Abs.8)
- 763169 VO Einf.Studium Englischsprachige Literatur - Einführung in das Studium der englischsprachigen Literatur
- 713010 VO das Studium Englischsprachige Literatur - Einführung in das Studium der englischsprachigen Literatur
Letzte Änderung: Do 16.01.2025 12:00