Prof. Noit Banai
Zur Zeit nicht im aktiven Personalstand der Universität Wien
Lehre (iCal)
- 080023 EX Exkursion: Serbia and Kosovo
- 080040 SE Seminar: The Art of Pedagogy, the Pedagogy of Art (nst.K.) - Institutions of Learning in Global Contemporaneity
- 080122 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 080022 EX Exkursion: Sarajevo
- 080040 SE Seminar:Expanding Art History: Writing about Female Artists, Performing a Feminist Critique (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit
- 080020 EX Exkursion: Zagreb and Rijeka - From Avant-Garde to Contemporary
- 080040 SE Seminar: Constructing the Contemporary: Decolonizing Art and Knowledge (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080040 SE Seminar: The Fate of National Culture: Art between Local and Global (nst.K.)
- 080043 EX Kunst in Wien: Contemporary Art in Vienna
- 080058 VO The Global Museum (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080020 EX Exkursion: Graz und Ljubljana
- 080027 SE Seminar: Who are 'the people'?: Populism in Contemporary Art (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080027 SE Seminar: The Art of Exile, Diaspora, and Migration (nst.K.)
- 080043 EX Kunst in Wien: Contemporary Art in Vienna
- 080058 VO Contemporary Arts and Cultures of Globalization (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080043 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080045 EX Exkursion: Vorarlberg
- 080051 SE Seminar: The Exhibition: A Spatialization of Knowledge, Politics, and Ideology (nst.K.)
- 080043 EX Kunst in Wien
- 080051 SE Seminar: Imaging Europe: The Aesthetics of a Continent (nst.K.)
- 080058 VO Corporal Entanglements: Theories, Discourses and Practices of the Body in Contemporary Art (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080062 PS Fallstudie II/III: "Living as Form": Relational Aesthetics and Socially Engaged Art (nst.K.)
- 080066 SE Seminar: Performance and Performativity in Contemporary Art (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
- 080058 VO Contemporary Art: The Social Turn, Sociability, and The Socius (nst.K.)
- 080062 SE Seminar: Cultural Citizenship: Constructing and Contesting "the Commons" - from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Arab Spring (nst.K.)
- 080066 SE Seminar: Contemporary Art and Globalization: Borders, Boundaries and Territoriality (nst.K.)
- 080122 SE Privatissimum für Master- und Doktoratsstudierende
Letzte Änderung: Mi 01.03.2023 09:07