1.7. Module aus Volkswirtschaftslehre
- 040180 UK [ en ] Valuing Health
- 040518 SE [ en ] Seminar in Behavioral and Experimental Economics
- 040672 UK [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E)
- 040830 SE [ en ] Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E) - Theory and Empirics of Monetary Integration (E)
- 390023 SE [ en ] PhD-E: Non-linear Time Series Analysis
1.7.1. Ökonomische Theorie
- 040033 SE [ en ] Markets with imperfectly informed customers
- 040036 UK [ en ] Social Choice
- 040150 UK [ en ] Economic Growth
- 040216 SE [ en ] Designing and Implementing an Economic Experiment
- 040827 UK [ en ] Information Economics
1.7.2. Angewandte Ökonomie
- 040021 UK [ en ] Empirics of trade
1.7.3. Finanzwissenschaft
- 040032 UK Public Spending and Taxation
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:37