Master CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes (656)
Allgemeine Hinweise:Aktuelle Infos zu Lehrveranstaltungen (z.B. Absagen, Änderungen, Prüfungstermine etc.) und Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf unserer Homepage Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie nimmt an den EU-weiten ERASMUS Programmen teil.Genauere Informationen entnehmen Sie den Ankündigungen am Institut und der Homepage (
Wissenschaftliche Methoden (15 ECTS)
- 240501 PR [ en ] Fieldpractice in Lombok and Bali: Land of the Holy Water Religious Festivals on Lombok and Bali (P1)
- 240502 PR [ en ] Ritual and Cultural Performance (P1)
- 240503 SE [ en ] Audio-visual techniques, narrative interviews and ethnographic writing (P1) - Preparation and Analysis of the Field practice in Indonesia 2018
- 240504 SE [ en ] Ritual and Cultural Performance (P1)
Theoriengeschichte und Methoden der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (15 ECTS)
- 240506 SE Ausgewählte anthropologische Theoriedebatten (P2)
- 240507 VO Berühmte Kontroversen (P2, P4) - Humanismus vs. Science
- 240527 SE [ en ] From debating cosmovision to the so called Ontological Turn (P2)
Thematische Module 1 & 2 (30 ECTS)
Materielle Kultur und Konsumtion (15 ECTS)
- 240516 SE [ en ] Conflicts and law related to extraction of natural resources (P4) - inequalities, negotiations and Social Impact Assessment
- 240517 SE [ en ] Environmental Anthropology and the Anthropocene (P4)
- 240518 SE [ en ] Issues of 'Everyday Life' and the Place of the Object (P4)
- 240519 SE [ en ] Anthropology and the Environment: Thinking about and thinking through the environment (P4)
Neue Identitäten (15 ECTS)
- 240508 SE [ en ] Making Sense of Siberia (P3, P5)
- 240509 SE [ en ] Femininity/ Masculinity: Case Studies from the Middle East (P3, P4)
- 240510 SE Ethnographie der Sierra Norte des Puebla, Mexiko (P3)
- 240515 SE [ en ] Kinship: Prove, Measurement, Evaluation (P4)
- 240516 SE [ en ] Conflicts and law related to extraction of natural resources (P4) - inequalities, negotiations and Social Impact Assessment
- 240520 SE [ en ] Anthropological Perspectives on Mobility, Space/Place and Time (P4)
- 240521 SE [ en ] Anthropology of Policy (P4)
Visuelle Kultur, Populärkultur (15 ECTS)
- 240522 SE [ en ] The Stories Images Tell. Introduction to Visual Anthropology (P4)
- 240523 UE [ en ] Picturing Realities - a practical approach to ethnographic film making (P5)
Erasmus Modul (15 ECTS)
Teacher Exchange
CREOLE Thesis Modul 2 (5 ECTS)
- 240525 AL [ en ] Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240526 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
Letzte Änderung: Fr 11.01.2019 00:31