Universität Wien

Master Business Analytics (977)

A. Alternatives Pflichtmodul - Foundations of Business Analytics (14 ECTS)

A.FBA-BA Alternatives Pflichtmodul - Foundations of Business Analytics for Business Administration Students (14 ECTS)

A.FBA-CS Alternatives Pflichtmodul - Foundations of Business Analytics for Computer Scientists (14 ECTS)

B. Pflichtmodulgruppe - Advanced Analytics (14 ECTS)

B. ABA - Advanced Business Analytics (6 ECTS)

B. AOR - Advanced Operations Research (8 ECTS)

C. Pflichtmodulgruppe - Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (28 ECTS)

C.DEL - Doing Data Science, Ethical and Legal Issues (12 ECTS)

C.DAP - Data Analysis Project and Seminar (16 ECTS)

D. Pflichtmodul - Data Science Electives (12 ECTS)

E. Alternative Pflichtmodulgruppe - Business Administration (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-BF: Wahlmodul Banking and Finance (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-BF: Walhmodul Banking and Finance - Pflichtlehrveranstaltungen (16 ECTS)


E.BAM-BF: Wahlmodul Banking and Finance - Wahllehrveranstaltungen (4 ECTS)

E. BAM-EB: Wahlmodul Electronic Business (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-EB: Wahlmodul Electronic Business - Pflichtlehrveranstaltungen (12 ECTS)

E. BAM-EB: Wahlmodul Electronic Business - Wahllehrveranstaltungen (8 ECTS)

E. BAM-MIM: Wahlmodul Marketing und Internationales Marketing (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-OP: Wahlmodul Organisation and Personnel I (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-SCM: Wahlmodul Supply Chain Management I (20 ECTS)

E. BAM-SP: Wahlmodul Smart Production I (20 ECS)

F. Pflichtmodul Business Analytics Elective (4 ECTS)

G. Masterarbeitsseminar (2 ECTS)

Letzte Änderung: Fr 13.01.2023 01:01