030514 SE Indigenous Legal Studies (2014W)
for diploma and doctoral students
Continuous assessment of course work
es herrscht Anwesenheitspflicht bei der Vorbesprechung und bei den Blockterminen
max. 10 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
weitere Termine:
1. und 2.12.2014, 10.00-18.00, Sem 34
- Tuesday 21.10. 17:00 - 18:30 Seminarraum SEM51 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum 5.OG (Kickoff Class)
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Seminararbeit, mündliche Präsentation und Diskussionsteilnahme.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
G. Foster, Foreign Investment and Indigenous Peoples: Options
for Promoting Equilibrium between economic Development and Indigenous
Rights, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 33:627 (2012); H.
Mann/A. Cosbey/L. Peterson/K. von Moltke, Comments on ICSID Discussion
Paper, Possible Improvements of the Framework for ICSID Arbitration;
International Institute for Sustainable Development (2004); Ch. Schreuer,
Non-Pecuniary Remedies in ICSID Arbitration, Arbitration International,
Vol 20 No 4 (2004), 325; J. Perez/M. Gistelinck/D. Karbala, Sleeping
Lions: International investment treaties, state-investor disputes and
access to food, land and water, Oxfam (2011); E. Levine, Amicus Curiae in
International Investment Arbitration: The Implications of an Increase in
Third-Party Participation, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.
29:1 (2011), 216; T. Haller/A. Blöchlinger/M. John, Fossil Fuels, Oil
Companies, and Indigenous Peoples: Strategies of Multinational Oil
Companies, States, and Ethnic Minorities (2007); V. Vadi, When Cultures
Collide: Foreign Direct Investment, Natural Resources and Indigenous
Heritage in International Investment law, Columbia Human Rights Law
Journal, Vol. 42 (2011) 797; J. Kahn A Golden Opportunity for NAFTA New
York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 16 (2008) 380; J.
Kimerling, Oil, Contact, and Conservation in the Amazon: Indigenous
Huaorani, Chevron, and Yasuni, Colorado Journal of International
Environmental Law and Policy, Vol 24 (2013) 43; Donzinger, St. u.a., The
Clash of Human Rights and BIT Investor Claims The Human Rights Brief; Vol.
17 (2010) 8; N. Schabus, Indigenous Peoples in North America: Bridging the
Trade and Environmental Gap to ensure Sustainability under NAFTA and
NAAEC’ (unveröff. Manuskript, 2014), J. Marley, The Environmental
Endangerment Finding in International Investment Disputes New York
University Journal of International Law and Politics Vol. 46 (2014) 1003;
A. Manuel & N. Schabus, Indigenous Peoples at the Margin of the Global
Economy: A Violation of International Human Rights and International Trade
Law, Chapman Law Review, Vol. 8 (2005) 229; K.C. Kenney, Disaster in the
Amazon: Dodging Boomerang Suits In transnational Human Rights Litigation
California Law Review, Vol 97, (2009) 857.
for Promoting Equilibrium between economic Development and Indigenous
Rights, Michigan Journal of International Law, Vol. 33:627 (2012); H.
Mann/A. Cosbey/L. Peterson/K. von Moltke, Comments on ICSID Discussion
Paper, Possible Improvements of the Framework for ICSID Arbitration;
International Institute for Sustainable Development (2004); Ch. Schreuer,
Non-Pecuniary Remedies in ICSID Arbitration, Arbitration International,
Vol 20 No 4 (2004), 325; J. Perez/M. Gistelinck/D. Karbala, Sleeping
Lions: International investment treaties, state-investor disputes and
access to food, land and water, Oxfam (2011); E. Levine, Amicus Curiae in
International Investment Arbitration: The Implications of an Increase in
Third-Party Participation, Berkeley Journal of International Law, Vol.
29:1 (2011), 216; T. Haller/A. Blöchlinger/M. John, Fossil Fuels, Oil
Companies, and Indigenous Peoples: Strategies of Multinational Oil
Companies, States, and Ethnic Minorities (2007); V. Vadi, When Cultures
Collide: Foreign Direct Investment, Natural Resources and Indigenous
Heritage in International Investment law, Columbia Human Rights Law
Journal, Vol. 42 (2011) 797; J. Kahn A Golden Opportunity for NAFTA New
York University Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 16 (2008) 380; J.
Kimerling, Oil, Contact, and Conservation in the Amazon: Indigenous
Huaorani, Chevron, and Yasuni, Colorado Journal of International
Environmental Law and Policy, Vol 24 (2013) 43; Donzinger, St. u.a., The
Clash of Human Rights and BIT Investor Claims The Human Rights Brief; Vol.
17 (2010) 8; N. Schabus, Indigenous Peoples in North America: Bridging the
Trade and Environmental Gap to ensure Sustainability under NAFTA and
NAAEC’ (unveröff. Manuskript, 2014), J. Marley, The Environmental
Endangerment Finding in International Investment Disputes New York
University Journal of International Law and Politics Vol. 46 (2014) 1003;
A. Manuel & N. Schabus, Indigenous Peoples at the Margin of the Global
Economy: A Violation of International Human Rights and International Trade
Law, Chapman Law Review, Vol. 8 (2005) 229; K.C. Kenney, Disaster in the
Amazon: Dodging Boomerang Suits In transnational Human Rights Litigation
California Law Review, Vol 97, (2009) 857.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Th 31.03.2022 00:15
- National resources: Investment protection v. state regulation?
- Submission of amicus curiae briefs in ICSID proceedings in general and
for indigenous peoples in particular (Rule 37/2 ICSID Rules of Procedure).
- Relation between (human) rights of indigenous peoples and the
international legal order.
- Interpretation of BITs in the light of international human rights? The
supremacy of human rights?
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
- Protection of indigenous peoples in domestic legal systems and their
impact on international law.
- Examples of relevant case law:
o Border Timbers Limited, Border Timbers International (Private) Limited,
and Hangani Development Co. (Private) Limited v. Republic of Zimbabwe,
ICSID Case No. ARB/10/25.
o Bernhard von Pezold and Others v. Republic of Zimbabwe, ICSID Case No.
o Biwater Gauff (Tanzania) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania, ICSID Case
No. ARB/05/22.
o Aguas del Tunari, S.A. v. Republic of Bolivia, ICSID Case No. ARB/02/3.
o Grand River Enterprises Six Nations, Ltd., et al. v. United States of
America, UNCITRAL.
o Methanex Corporation v. United States of America, UNCITRAL.
o Chevron Corporation and Texaco Petroleum Corporation v. The Republic of
Ecuador, UNCITRAL, PCA Case No. 2009-23.
o Burlington Resources Inc. v. Republic of Ecuador, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/5.
o Glamis Gold Ltd. v. United States of America, P 10 (NAFTA Arb. Trib.
June 8, 2009)
o Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada, WTO (WT/DS257/AB/R)