Universität Wien

070013 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (2021W)

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 7 - Geschichte
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German



First meeting on March 10, 4 pm, link for the digital meeting will be sent by Brigitte Bailer, please register with your email adress to bjbailer@aon.at


Aims, contents and method of the course

Seminar to accompany the ongoing work for final theses (master, phd), each participant has to present the progress of his/her work followed by a discussion in the group

Assessment and permitted materials

Presentation of the proceeding work, active participation in the group meetings and the individual feedback sessions with the instructor. Short oral comments on the presentations of the other participants are required.
Grading scale of the active participation in the group meetings: No recognizable contribution (0 points), active participation (10 points), active participation with contributions that further the content (20 points).
The oral presentations and written papers will include - depending on the individual progress of the work - precise research questions, primary sources, methods, overview of the current state of history research that is related to the thesis.
The oral presentations and written papers will be graded on content (50 points), structure and text organization (30 points), and form and language (20 points).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Presentation of the work insofar that progress and further steps as well as the probable finalization can be seen. (60 points)
Active participation in discussions. (40 points)
Grading scale: 1 (very good) 100-91 points; 2 (good) 90-81 points; 3 (satisfactory) 80-71 points; 4 (sufficient) 70-51 points; 5 (insufficient) 50-0 points.
Attendance is obligatory, except for two absences. The course instructor has to be informed via email.

Examination topics

see above

Reading list

Jeweils dem Thema entsprechend.

Association in the course directory

AER: Zeitgeschichte.
MA Geschichte (Version 2014): PM5 Masterseminar, SE Masterseminar (4 ECTS).
MA Geschichte (Version 2019): PM5 Mastermodul, SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit (5 ECTS).
MEd UF GSP: UF MA GSP 05: SE Masterseminar (4 ECTS).
Interdisziplinäres MA Zeitgeschichte und Medien (Version 2016): M5 Masterseminar, SE Masterseminar (4 ECTS).
Interdisziplinäres MA Zeitgeschichte und Medien (Version 2019): M5 Mastermodul, SE Seminar zur Abschlussarbeit (5 ECTS).

Last modified: Mo 22.11.2021 14:48