Universität Wien

070194 VO Lecture (PM4) (2017W)

Britain in the 20th Century

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 7 - Geschichte


Language: English

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Tuesday 10.10. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 17.10. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 24.10. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 31.10. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 07.11. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 14.11. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 21.11. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 28.11. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 05.12. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 12.12. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 09.01. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 16.01. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 23.01. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8


Aims, contents and method of the course

The series of lectures covers the history of Britain from the death of Queen Victoria in 1901 to the retirement of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister in 1990. The prime emphasis will be on politics and economics, the secondary on social life and cultural affairs. A rough schedule of the lectures will include:
1. Introduction
2. Britain before 1914
3. The Great War: leaders and led, life on the home and battle fronts
4. The 1920s: Adjustment at home, and the limits of Empire
5. Britain in the 1930s: economic depression and the appeasement of the dictators
6. Backs to the Wall: Britain at war, 1939-1945
7. The first post-war Labour Government 1945-1951: domestic and foreign policy
8. Britain in the 1950s: “You never had it so good”(?)
9. Imperial withdrawal, 1947-1997
10. The 1960s: Labour returns to power
11. The 1970s: break-up of British consensus politics
12. Mrs Thatcher and Thatcherism, 1979-1990
13. Deutsche Zusammenfassung
To provide students with an insight into recent British history, to explain the role of the country in Europe and why it has declined in economic terms.

Lectures with images and film. Summaries of each lecture sent by e-mail.

Assessment and permitted materials

A two-hour written examination; students are required to answer two questions: a) on themes based on lectures 1-6 and b) on themes based on lectures 7-12. At the end of each examination answer students are obliged to write the titles of at least two books in English which they have consulted.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

To be sent by e-mail

Reading list

To be sent by e-mail

Association in the course directory

PM4: Globalgeschichte, Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Europaforschung

Last modified: We 03.11.2021 00:16