150033 UE GG: "Greater China" The People’s Republic and the Other Chinas (2014W)
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Overseas Chinese, National Minorities
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 01.09.2014 10:00 to Fr 26.09.2014 10:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 24.10.2014 10:00
max. 30 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Friday 03.10. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 10.10. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 17.10. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 24.10. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 31.10. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 07.11. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 14.11. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 21.11. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 28.11. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 05.12. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 12.12. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 09.01. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 16.01. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 23.01. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
- Friday 30.01. 11:40 - 13:10 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
Aims, contents and method of the course
In Mao's China media had the exclusive goal to assist the Communist Party to propagate and implement its policies. Only during the reform era of the 80s information and entertainment have also been recognized as legitimate tasks, but even today the State and the Party try to preserve their control. More recently market mechanisms have gained more importance in China's media, while global developments have led to new debates on control and censorship, especially of the internet.
Assessment and permitted materials
Credits will be attributed on the basis of the oral presentation within the group (30 pc), the individual written papers (50 pc), regular presence, homeworks and the active participation in debates (20 pc) . The main criteria will be to which extend the student is capable to analyze the main aspects of the topic and to present them in a systematic and scientific way.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Achieving basic knowledge on China's mass media, their role in the economic and social development, related subjects such as freedom of expression and censorship, and current literature on the topics.
Examination topics
After a general introduction into the topic, the students prepare (in small groups) presentations on specific aspects and (individually) written papers.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
GG 220
Last modified: Tu 14.01.2025 00:16