Universität Wien

150055 VU International Relations in East Asia (2022W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 15 - Ostasienwissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Monday 03.10. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 10.10. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 17.10. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 24.10. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 31.10. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 07.11. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 14.11. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 21.11. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 28.11. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 05.12. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 12.12. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 09.01. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 16.01. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 23.01. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Monday 30.01. 16:45 - 18:15 Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05


Aims, contents and method of the course

As always, we will follow the rules and guidance issued by the university regarding COVID-19. As of now, the public health situation is stable. Classes are being held on campus and in person. However, the situation may change during the winter semester. Accordingly, please be prepared for synchronous webinars, should we need to transition to an online format. In such cases, you will need a computer with a webcam, headphones with a microphone (or speakers and a mic), and a stable internet connection. The ability to access Moodle is essential. Please ensure you meet these requirements. Watch Moodle and course announcements for more information.

The first class will be on October 3. You will be provided a syllabus and together we will go over the course outline and expectations. I will introduce myself and ask you to do the same. All minimum requirements and assessment criteria will be discussed in the first lecture. Questions related to these criteria (defined and discussed below) should be raised then. By continuing this course after the first lecture, students indicate they understand class requirements and expectations. Attending the first class is thus essential. For those students unable to attend the first class but who wish to continue with the course, it will be assumed they have read this syllabus and accepted the expectations of the course.

The primary aim of this course is to give students a firm grounding in basic theories and concepts in International Relations (IR) and how best to use them to assess and understand contemporary East Asia. Through close reading and writing exercises, students can expect to grow both their scholarly and practical perspectives on global and East Asian politics.

Assessment and permitted materials

This course is a mix of lectures and exercises, including in-lecture activities (e.g., presentations) and reading responses, in addition to a final exam. Students are expected to complete all required readings in advance of the lectures and come prepared to discuss them. There is a decent amount of writing expected, so adjust your expectations accordingly. Attendance is mandatory.

Grades will be assessed based on the following (weights included):

• Attendance (15% of total grade)
• Reading responses (30%)
• Presentation (20%)
• Final exam (35%)

This is based on a record of attendance for lectures.

*Reading responses*
These are critical (written) responses. They answer discussion questions that correspond to weekly readings and lectures. Students will write three reading responses in total. They will satisfy the following requirements:

• Minimum of 800 words (max. 2500)
• Provides a clear answer to the question
• Persuasively argued, well organized, and supported by evidence from the text
• Critically engages with the assigned readings.

Evidence of having read and understood readings is a must (e.g., citations, quotations, critical summaries).

The questions will be posted on Moodle well in advance of the due date. No late submissions will be accepted unless authorized by the instructor in advance. As a matter of policy, I will not answer last-minute extension requests (extenuating circumstances notwithstanding). Each response is assessed out of five (5) points. More information, including a grading rubric, will be provided by the instructor.

* Presentation*
Each student is required to do a group presentation (15-20 minutes) based on an assigned topic (and readings) and then lead a short (5-10 minutes) discussion, taking questions from the instructor and/or fellow classmates.

Presentations will be assessed out of five (5) points, based on the quality of content and preparedness. In advance of the presentation, groups will submit a written report and their presentation material. More information on presentation expectations will be provided by the instructor.

*Final Exam*
To assess the comprehension of material and class progress, students will be assigned a take-home test. The exam will consist of two parts. The first part will ask students to define and explain key terms/concepts in IR theory and the East Asian regional order. The second part will consist of multiple-choice questions that test students’ knowledge of reading and lecture material. The exam will take place in the final class of the semester.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grades are based on a continuous assessment of coursework” (“Prüfungsimmanente Lehrveranstaltung”). An average positive grade (grade 4 or better) for all requirements listed under “Assessment (Art der Leistungskontrolle)” is the minimum required for passing this course. Passing the final exam constitutes a minimal requirement (“Mindestanforderung”) and must thus be passed in order to pass the course.

Preparing for lectures is crucial, which means doing readings before classes and completing the assigned activities. Attendance is mandatory and evaluated. For students who miss more than five lectures, without documented and justified cause (e.g., COVID-related issues, mental or physical health needs), the instructor maintains the right to assign a failing mark. General Rules of Good Academic Practice apply. Non-compliance will result in measures taken according to the regulations of the University of Vienna.

In the case a requirement, assignment, or other expectation needs to be altered, it will be explicitly discussed during class and agreed upon by all present with appropriate communication follow-ups done over Moodle and other changes made where appropriate (e.g., u:space).

*Note on Plagiarism*
Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s work as your own. This could include direct quotations from sources that you do not properly cite or presenting someone else’s work as your own. Even omitting quotation marks for verbatim quotes is an academic offense. Material from the internet is subject to the same citation requirements as any other material. If you are unsure what constitutes plagiarism or how to cite properly, please seek guidance from your instructor. You should also refer to https://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/studium-lehre/detailansicht/artikel/copied-and-caught-this-is-how-plagiarism-checks-work/. Penalties for plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with university rules and practices.

*Equity Statement*
As your instructor, I am committed to equity and respect for diversity. All members of the learning environment in this course should strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect. As a course instructor, I will neither condone nor tolerate behavior that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or that which attempts to create an intimidating or hostile environment. Discrimination, harassment, and hate speech will not be tolerated. It is our collective responsibility to create a space that is inclusive and welcomes discussion and robust – even contentious – debate.

Examination topics

See above.

Reading list

This course uses a combination of textbook chapters, edited volumes, academic articles, and some supplementary online material. The first class will include an overview of the assigned (and recommended) reading via the syllabus.

All material will be accessible digitally via the UniVie library system or accessible via web link. Some assigned readings may change over the course of the term, as required or deemed appropriate.

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Tu 14.01.2025 00:16