Universität Wien

150157 KU Listening and Speaking A (M3) (2020W)

2.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 15 - Ostasienwissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work



Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Registration information is available for each group.


Group 1

max. 30 participants
Language: Chinese
LMS: Moodle


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Teilnahme beim 1. Lehrveranstaltungstermin ist verpflichtend! Eine Entschuldigung muss schriftlich per Mail an die LV-Leitung erfolgen. Bitte beachten Sie, daß die erste Unterrichtsstunde digital durchgeführt wird. Loggen Sie sich bitte pünktlich über die entsprechende Moodleseite ein.

Falls die Teilnehmer*innenzahl es zulässt, wird dieser Unterricht in Präsenz abgehalten. Um positiv benotet zu werden, dürfen Sie nicht mehr als drei Mal unentschuldigt fehlen.

Sollte die Anzahl hoch sein, wird die Lehrveranstaltung Corona bedingt hybrid asynchron unterrichtet, d.h. wöchentlich abwechselnd befindet sich ein Teil der Lerngruppe im Hörsaal, der Rest hat anstelle der Anwe-senheit im Hörsaal Kursinhalte asynchron zu erarbeiten und Übungen abzugeben. Vor der ersten Sitzung erhalten Sie eine Nachricht über Ihre Uni Wien-Mailadresse, in der Ihnen mitge-teilt wird, zu welcher Gruppe Sie gehören.
Um positiv benotet zu werden, dürfen Sie nicht mehr als einmal nicht zum Präsenzunterricht erscheinen. Ausnahmen von der Anwesenheitspflicht sind durch ärztliches Attest zu erwirken, in besonderen Fällen ist das Einvernehmen mit der LV-Leitung herzustellen.

Wir machen darauf aufmerksam, dass Corona bedingt jederzeit die Lehrveranstaltung auf home learning umgestellt werden kann.

Die Lehrveranstaltung wird ab 03.11. 2020 auf home learning umgestellt werden.

Abmeldung ohne Benotung bis 23.10.2020

  • Tuesday 06.10. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 13.10. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 20.10. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 27.10. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 03.11. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 10.11. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 17.11. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 24.11. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 01.12. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 15.12. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 12.01. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 19.01. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10
  • Tuesday 26.01. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum Sinologie 1 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-10

Aims, contents and method of the course

To improve the listening and spreaking abilitty and to build up debate skills in Mandarin Chinese.

The main course content will focus on topics from practical life and social, cultural aspects of Chinese society

Given the situation from Covid 19, the course will possibly at anytime change to take place via distance learning platform.

Assessment and permitted materials

The evaluation includes regular and active participation, contribution in discussions and oral presentation.
Grading: participation 30%, Excercise in class 40% and final project 30%
#Reminder: There is no oral examination. The grade is based on active course participation.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grading scheme: 100- 90% : Very Good/1; 89 - 80% :Good/2 ; 79-70% : Fair/3 ; 69 - 60%: Satisfactory/4 ; under 60%: Failed/5.
Active participation in lessons and punctuality are required. In case of more than three unexcused absences, the final grade will be negative.

Examination topics

Es gibt keine mündliche Prüfung. The grade is based on active course participation, homeworks and the quality of the final project.

Reading list

Teaching materials will be given in Moodle

Group 2

Bestätigung der online-Anmeldung: Sie müssen am 1. Abhaltungstermin Ihre Teilnahme am Kurs bestätigen. Dies erfolgt i.d.R. durch persönliche Anwesenheit (vor Ort oder digital, je nach Angaben der LV-Leitung).
Sollten Sie verhindert sein, müssen Sie Ihre Abwesenheit in der ersten Einheit per E-mail entschuldigen, da Sie sonst umgehend vom Kurs abgemeldet werden.
Abmeldung: Eine Abmeldung ist bis zum Ende der Abmeldefrist möglich. Die Abmeldung muss im u:space-System UND schriftlich per e-mail an den/die Lehrende erfolgen! Wenn die Abmeldung nicht im Rahmen der offiziellen Abmeldefrist erfolgt ist, dann wird die Leistung in diesem Kurs beurteilt.
Sofern nicht anders in der Kursbeschreibung angegeben, ist ein dreimaliges unentschuldigtes Fehlen erlaubt. ACHTUNG: Diese Information trifft nicht auf alle Kurse (insb. nicht auf Lehrveranstaltungen im hybriden Modus) zu, bitte unbedingt in der Kursbeschreibung überprüfen!

max. 20 participants
Language: Chinese
LMS: Moodle


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

***Updates ( on 2 November): This course will be temporarily switched to a whole digital course format, due to the current lockdown measures applicable from 3 November to 30th November. The On-site classes were supposed to take place, will be taught via the BigBlueBotton platform, available on Moodle; The other part of the course will not be affected. ***

*** Please note that the first class takes place digitally. Please log in punctually via the corresponding mood page. ***

You have to confirm your registration by attending the first class. If you are unable to attend the first class you have to confirm your registration through e-mail not later than the date of the first class, otherwise, you will be removed from the list.
You can de-register by October 21, 2020 (at u:Space AND send an e-mail to cheng-ming.chung@univie.ac.at ). If you have not de-registered by October 21 2020, you will receive a negative mark (5).

  • Friday 09.10. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 16.10. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 23.10. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 30.10. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 06.11. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 13.11. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 20.11. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 27.11. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 04.12. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 11.12. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 18.12. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 08.01. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 15.01. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 22.01. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05
  • Friday 29.01. 12:00 - 14:00 Hybride Lehre
    Seminarraum Ostasienwissenschaften 1 UniCampus Hof 5 2I-O1-05

Aims, contents and method of the course

The course is taught in a hybrid asynchronous manner due to the COVID-19 crisis, i.e., Every week, part of the learning group is alternating in the lecture hall, the rest, instead of being present in the lecture hall, has to work on course content asynchronously and hand-in exercises. Before the first session, you will receive a message via your Uni Wien e-mail address informing you which group you belong to. We want to draw your attention to the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic can switch the course to home learning at any time.

== Aims ==
1. Students will discuss the issues of the Chinese Mandarin-speaking regions by integrating six topics, such as adaptation to foreign environments, change of shopping behaviors, fitness and health care, education philosophy, the differences of employment in various cultures, and the society's influence by the tradition and present.
2. Students will improve their listening and speaking skills at the same time, in order to achieve a level expected for basic debating.
3. Through the discussions between the lecturer and students, students are expected to activate their intercultural awareness and develop the essential interactive skills within the contemporary pluricultural-and-plurilingual world.

== Content ==
This course is hybrid, consisting of both physical classroom and online classroom sessions, with six topics. Each topic lasts two weeks. The students will be divided into two small groups: Group A and Group B. Two groups will biweekly take turns to be present in the physical classroom. The rest of the weeks, they will attend online classrooms. In the first week, all students will meet online with the lecturer for the course introduction and the arrangement of the winter semester. Starting from the 2nd week, group A is present in the physical classroom, and group B needs to join the online classroom; on the 3rd week, group B present in the physical classroom, and the other group will attend an online classroom. The whole semester will continue in this teaching mode until the end of the winter semester. Based on the development of the current COVID-19 pandemic related situation, changes to this schedule might appear.

== Method ==
• Physical classroom
In the physical classroom, the teacher will lead the students to discuss the relevant topics with integrated intercultural aspects and conversational materials. The classroom will focus on activities and discussions to develop the students' intercultural awareness and intercultural communicative competence.

• Online classroom
When the students are not required to be in the physical classroom, they will need to attend the online classroom and to practice, speaking and listening, with a native speaker. The time of online classroom is ideally set at the regular course time ( 12:00~ 14:00, Friday), but there is a possibility to switch to any convenient time that fits the students and his/her tutor. The learning material is a piece of Podcast (around 12 mins), relating to the biweekly topic. During this online classroom, the students are expected to learn relevant vocabulary and phrases on the topic. This online classroom aims to enhance students' linguistic competence. Through practice and discussion with the native speaker, the students can benefit from the authentic context and refine their conversational skills. For a better-customized online-class, adjusted accordingly to the individual student's learning style and characteristics, the online-class will be recorded and supervised by a class-organizer from time to time. However, without consent from the students in advance, none of the video and audio recordings will be made.

Assessment and permitted materials

• Homework: four video records(5-8 mins) and two reflection essays ( within 2 pages).
• Exams: the mid-term exam will be conducted in the form presentation. The students need to record her/his presentation within 15 minutes (suggested software: PowerPoint or Loom) and upload it to an assigned folder on MOODLE.
The final exam is an oral exam with Mr. Chung individually online with BigBlueBotton. The length of the final exam is around 15 mins. The student will need to fill in an online form on MOODLE to select a suitable time slot for this exam one week in advance.
• The evaluation includes regular and active participation, contribution in discussions, and assessments.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

• A total of 20 points can be achieved as follows: participation and cooperation 20%, homework 20%, midterm assessment 30%, and the final assessment 30%.
• Grading indicators for homework and assessments: pronunciation 40%; content 40%; fluency 20%
• The semester scoring is based on a 20-point system: 18-20(90-100%) = Very Good / 1, 15-17(80-89%) = Good / 2, 12-14(70-79%) = Satisfactory / 3, 10-11(60 - 69%) = Fair / 4, 0-9(under 60%) = Not Enough / 5)

In order to receive a positive grade, you are not allowed to miss classroom lessons more than once. Exceptions to the mandatory attendance are to be obtained through a medical certificate; in special cases, the agreement with the course management can be established.

Examination topics

The topic of the Mid-term exam is within the contents that students have learned before mid-term on 27 November, such as adaptation to foreign environments, change of shopping behaviors, and fitness and health care.
The topic of the final exam will be framed on the six topics that the students have learned throughout the whole semester.

Reading list

Since this is an oral language course, there is no reading reference but Podcasts, six pieces, that are available to assess for the learning of speaking and listening.

Association in the course directory

S 321

Last modified: Tu 14.01.2025 00:16