Universität Wien

200149 SE Theory and Empirical Research (Mind and Brain) 1 (2021W)

8.00 ECTS (4.00 SWS), SPL 20 - Psychologie
Continuous assessment of course work

Dieses Seminar kann für alle Schwerpunkte absolviert werden!


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Please note the block format of the course: We will meet in digital form (zoom) only six times during the semester (Tuesdays 8:30am - 2:30pm, in October and November).
Due to the digital form of the course, in order to participate you must have access to a computer that meets the technical requirements to run MATLAB (https://de.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html) and the Psychophysics Toolbox (http://psychtoolbox.org). In addition, MATLAB must be installed and working already for the first session on 05.10.2021!

The max. number of students for the course is 20.
The course will convene in digital form only.
The course is entirely given in English.

Due to the digital format of the course you must install a full version of MATLAB (2016 or later) on your PC/Mac (the trial version is not sufficient as it expires after 1 month)!

Please do this before the course starts (you may find a cheaper student version online).

  • Tuesday 05.10. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 12.10. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 19.10. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 09.11. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 16.11. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 23.11. 08:30 - 14:30 Digital


Aims, contents and method of the course

The course teaches the programming and theoretical knowledge necessary to run simple behavioral (and EEG) experiments using MATLAB and the Psychophysics Toolbox.

The course specifically focuses on gaining a basic understanding of the MATLAB programming language. Please consider the other TEWA1 courses on offer if you are interested in learning other programming languages (e.g. Python)!

At course completion, students should be able to independently program and run simple psychological experiments. In addition, a theoretical research topic will provide the basis for the programmed experiments. The focus will be on the role of ongoing neuronal oscillations (e.g., alpha, theta), as well as, ERPs (N2pc) in visual perception and attention. Students will present relevant articles, as well as, a research proposal in class and submit a complete MATLAB script running the proposed experiments. Programming tutorials will alternate with exercise sessions, theoretical lectures and student presentations.

Practical MATLAB programming sessions, oral presentations by lecturer and students, in-class participation, weekly homework, oral presentations of proposed experiments, written MATLAB scripts for demo and full experiments.

Assessment and permitted materials

The final grade consists of:
- Attendance and Participation (5%)
- MATLAB Programming Exercises (30%)
- Article Presentation (in groups) (10%)
- Experiment Proposal Presentation (in groups) (10%)
- "Demo Experiment" Script (15%)
- "Full Experiment" Script (in groups) (30%)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

MATLAB or other programming skills are an advantage (but not a must, this course is for beginners!).
You must have access to a computer with a working version of MATLAB!

Examination topics

Discussed in class.

Reading list

Discussed in class.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:19