Universität Wien

240104 VU Gender Specific Communication and Organization Skills (Module) (2021S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist ausnahmslos eine Anmeldung während der Anmeldephase notwendig und wird ausschließlich für das Curriculum 2013 angeboten.

ACHTUNG: aufgrund der COVID-19 Situation sind kurzfristige Änderungen jederzeit möglich, daher informieren Sie sich bitte regelmäßig über Änderungen im Vorlesungsverzeichnis bzw. der Moodle-Plattform.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 50 participants
Language: German



Die Lehre findet digital statt:

MO 01.03.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 15.03.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 12.04.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 26.04.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 10.05.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 07.06.2021 18.00-21.00
MO 21.06.2021 18.00-21.00


Aims, contents and method of the course

In the exercise/lecture basic questions of gender and communication, language and group dynamics are introduced, discussed and deepened through joint reading of selected texts and testing of methods (process-oriented exercise elements).

Starting from linguistic and discursive theoretical perspectives on gender and sociological theories of everyday life (doing gender and everyday theory of dual gender), the aim is to reflect on one's own practice and to develop competence with regard to possibilities of intervention in social spaces (groups, teaching settings, etc.). To gain gender and intersectionality, which are structurally, epistemically and micro-politically effective as analytical competence for teaching and leading action, is the abstract goal of LV. One's own privileges or the relationship between authority and leadership play just as much a role here as patriarchal dividends or epistemic violence.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Assessment and permitted materials

Presentation, Participation

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Competence/awareness in the dynamic constitution of gender asymmetry in social processes

Examination topics

cp. Moodle

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:26