270055 VO+UE Materials chemistry I (2015W)
Chemical bonding amd materials chemistry
max. 50 participants
Language: German
Examination dates
Suggested day and time: Thursday, 9h30-12h00.
First meeting: Thursday October 8th.
Further details can also be discussed at the
"Wahlfachvorbesprechung Masterstudium Chemie"
on Thursday October 1st, 12 ct. Lecture hall 3,
1090 Wien, Währinger Straße 38, Halbstock
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Oral Examination
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Einführung in die Symmetrie und Quantenmechanik von Festkörpern
Examination topics
Reading list
Textbooks on quantum mechanics, symmetry and solid state physics
Association in the course directory
PC-4, D.4, MC-3, D.3
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:41
2.1. Molecular point groups (Symmetry point group/elements, point groups)2.2. Crystal structure and lattices
2.3. Space groups
2.4. Reciprocal grid, Quasi crystals3. Quantum mechanics for solid state (Block functions, tight binding, band structure, electron gas)
3.1. Schrödinger equation for periodic potentials, Bloch functions, Band structure part I
3.2. Hückel/Tight Binding theory
3.3. Electron gas – Band structure part II4. Molecular structure theory
4.1. B-O, variational principle, Hartree-Fock theory5. Density functional theory (DFT)
5.1 Introduction, Thomas-Fermi model
5.2 Spin density, functionals, plane wave DFT