270082 VO+UE Sensorial evaluation and technology of fish, meat and egg (2011S)
Termin wird bei Vorbesprechung (Mi 02.03.2011 um 9 Uhr c.t. im HS III, Währinger Straße 38) festgelegt.
Veterinärmed. Univ., 1210 Wien, Veterinärplatz 1, Institut für Fleischhygiene (Gebäude GA), Seminarraum 3. Stock, Eingang Drehkreuz Donaufelderstraße.
27. Mai 13-17 h
1. Juni 13-17 h
10. Juni 13-17 h
15. Juni 0930 -1700 h
16. Juni 0900-1200 ExkursionVoranmeldung per e-mail an friedrich.bauer(at)vetmeduni.ac.at erforderlich, bei Änderungen Verständigung per e-mail.
Veterinärmed. Univ., 1210 Wien, Veterinärplatz 1, Institut für Fleischhygiene (Gebäude GA), Seminarraum 3. Stock, Eingang Drehkreuz Donaufelderstraße.
27. Mai 13-17 h
1. Juni 13-17 h
10. Juni 13-17 h
15. Juni 0930 -1700 h
16. Juni 0900-1200 ExkursionVoranmeldung per e-mail an friedrich.bauer(at)vetmeduni.ac.at erforderlich, bei Änderungen Verständigung per e-mail.
Language: German
Examination dates
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The students should get a general survey on sensorial analysis, quality
deterioration and spoilage of food. They should be familiar with
technologies to produce meat, fish and egg products and learn to refer to
production failures. Furthermore the students should judge a meat product
according to the food law.
deterioration and spoilage of food. They should be familiar with
technologies to produce meat, fish and egg products and learn to refer to
production failures. Furthermore the students should judge a meat product
according to the food law.
Examination topics
Evaluation: oral examination
Reading list
Literatur: Kramer, Lebensmittelmikrobiologie, ISBN: 3-8252-1421-4
PPP-Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt
PPP-Folien werden zur Verfügung gestellt
Association in the course directory
LC-2, LCH II-2
Last modified: We 19.08.2020 08:06
of meat, fish and egg including their products in particular; sensorial
recognation of these quality changes; manufacturing of meat, fish and egg
products; special additives; failure during selction of the raw material and
the manufacturing process; legal basics and the Austrian Codex Alimentarius