270105 SE+PR Bachelor Laboratory Course C (2010W)
Physical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry
Continuous assessment of course work
Vorbesprechung: Mo 04.10.2010, 17:00 Uhr, HS III d. Chem. Institute.Vereinbarung von Inhalt und Ablauf des Projekts mit dem Betreuer. Richtwert für die praktische Arbeit: 4 Arbeitswochen.
Language: German
- Klaus Richter
- Hans Flandorfer
- Peter Herzig
- Kurt Hiebl
- Herbert Ipser
- Wolfgang Kautek
- Raimund Podloucky
- Peter Franz Rogl
- Julius Schuster
- Peter Terzieff
- Josef Tomiska
- Gerhard Zifferer
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Research project in Physical Chemistry or Materials Chemistry and writing of a Bachelor-thesis (report)
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment of the written Bachelor-thesis
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Introduction into scientific work under guidance
Examination topics
Research project
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:55