270187 SE Advanced seminar in organic chemistry (2021S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 01.02.2021 08:00 to We 30.06.2021 23:59
- Deregistration possible until We 30.06.2021 23:59
max. 15 participants
Language: German
Mi 14:30-18:00 im HS 3
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment: (IP): seminar talk and regular participation, discussions
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
at least 80% participation, successful talk about the chosen topic
scale of marks: 1 to 5
scale of marks: 1 to 5
Examination topics
no test
Reading list
original publications and reviews as announced in:
Association in the course directory
OC-1, OC-2, OC-3, OC-4, OC-5, CHE II-4
Last modified: We 24.02.2021 14:09
In the course of this seminar each student has to work out and present a seminar talk(20 min) about a topic based on recent organic-chemical literature which thereafter will be discussed (10 min)
Within this seminar course also the results of the students' reseach projects of the "advanced laboratory courses of organic chemistry" are presented.Language: predominantly Englishmore information and timetable: