280119 VO Cosmochemisty and Planetary Geology (W0_28_34) (NPI) (2009S)
max. 30 participants
Language: German
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
The class gives an overview and introduction of planetary geology/planetary science and cosmochemistry. A description of all the planets and other objects in the solar system is supplemented by a discussion of the formation of the solar system and the processes (e.g., impacts) that govern it. In the cosmochemistry part of the class we discuss the origin of the chemical elements in the universe, and their distribution in meteorites.
Assessment and permitted materials
Exam after the end of the class (written or oral)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
(for both parts of Module W0_34 (PI and NPI)) An overview of the origin of the chemical elements in the universe is given - from the Big Bang to the fusion in stars to supernovae, leading to the distribution of the elements in the solar system, meteorites, and the planets, including Earth. This leads to an understanding of chemical and material cycles in the universe. An understanding of the interaction between extraterrestrial forces and the Earth results from such studies. In addition, we will work out the structure, origin, and composition of the solar system and the individual planets and other members of the solar system, resulting in an overview of planetary geology.
Examination topics
Lectures (with a few movies)
Reading list
Die folgenden Bücher geben einenb guten Überblick über das Thema der Planetaren Geologie/The following books give a good overview of planetary geology:McBride and Gilmour: Introduction to the Solar System, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003Lang: The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003Glass: Introduction to Planetary Geology, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982Hartmann: Moons and Planets, 4th or 5th ed., Wadsworth Publ., 1999/2004De Pater and Lissauer: Planetary Sciences, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001Faure and Mensing: Introduction to Planetary Science: The Geological Perspective, Springer, 2007
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:42