Universität Wien

280352 VO+SE Bernstein und Bernsteinfossilien (2005W)

Bernstein und Bernsteinfossilien: Paläobiologie, Mineralogie und Chemie fossiler Harze

Continuous assessment of course work

Beginn: 19. Oktober 14 Uhr s.t., O.Abel-Seminarsaal (2B311)


Language: German



    Currently no class schedule is known.


    Aims, contents and method of the course

    Genesis, occurrence, chemistry and mineralogy of amber and similar organic minerals will be described, including methods applied for such studies. An overview concerning fossils in ambers from Cretaceous to Pleistocene will be given, paleobiology and taphonomy of these finds will be discussed in detail. Within the seminar hours samples of amber as well as fossils will be available for study.

    Assessment and permitted materials

    Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

    Examination topics

    Reading list

    Association in the course directory

    Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:55