290129 PS Alternative Geo Software - Concepts, Applications, Developments (2011W)
Continuous assessment of course work
MO wtl von 03.10.2011 bis 30.01.2012 16.00-18.00 Ort: Computerkartographie Geographie NIG 1.OG (MM-Labor)
Aims, contents and method of the course
Over the last years GIS technologies for everyone result in greater competition in the GIS Software market. Aside from Open Source Technologies, proprietary GIS systems are becoming more cost effective and meet the demand of the professional GIS User/Analyst. Concept: Taking examples from GIS topics like Fuzzy Logic, SDSS, Visualization/Cartograms, Network Analysis, 3D modelling and WebGIS, participants will develop advanced GIS applications on a PC using MS MapPoint 201x, MS Office VBA and Manifold System 8.
Assessment and permitted materials
project presentation (30%), project documentation (50%, *.ppt, *.map), written exam (20%)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Goals/Content: project based R&D applications using various GIS software.
Examination topics
Concept: Using methodological examples from Fuzzy Logic, SDSS, Visualization/Cartograms, Network Analysis, 3D and WebGIS participants will work on GIS projects using MS MapPoint 201x, MS Office VBA and Manifold System 8.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
(MK2-b-PI) (Tef-W-C10) (Rd-W7) (K-FW)
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56