290162 SE SE: Approaches to managing current problems of social and spatial development in spatial planni (2008W)
und Raumentwicklung in der Raumordnung
Continuous assessment of course work
Di 13:00-16:00 Seminarraum d. Inst.; Beginn: 7.10.2008
Aims, contents and method of the course
Current social and spatial developments are characterised by a variety of trends which represent a great challenge to spatial planning and require treading new paths for managing the resulting problems. The following issues shall be dealt with: spatial consequences of demographic changes, research on border areas and trans-border spatial planning, metropolitan regions, the development of remote areas, location structures of retailing, climate change and spatial planning, development and management of clusters. Analyses will focus on the initial conditions of each of these problem areas; furthermore, options for planning strategies providing solutions will be discussed.
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment includes: the seminar paper (in writing), the presentation, contribution to discussions, moderation performance.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Identifying current social and spatial developments: elaborating the options for planning strategies as discussed in literature; presenting the results in detailed reports both orally and in writing.
Examination topics
Seminar paper in writing, oral presentation, participating in discussion, team work, moderation of discussions.
Reading list
Wird auf der eLearning Plattform in ausführlicher Form dokumentiert.
Association in the course directory
(MG-S3-SE) (MG-W1-SE) (MR5-SE) (Lb4, Lb-zSE) (Lc-zSE) (Td-S1-III.i) (Tef-W-C8) (Rb1, anrechenbar als 4-stündiges Projektseminar) (Rc1, anrechenbar als 4-stündiges Projektseminar)
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56