Universität Wien

290183 VO STEOP: Introduction in Geoinformatics (2013W)

1.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 29 - Geographie


Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Tuesday 01.10. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
  • Tuesday 08.10. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
  • Tuesday 15.10. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
  • Tuesday 22.10. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
  • Tuesday 29.10. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
  • Tuesday 05.11. 08:00 - 09:30 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß


Aims, contents and method of the course

The aim of the lecture is to give participants insight into GIS. Thereby, all relevant theoretical and methodological topics related to GIS are covered. This includes data acquisition, developing and maintaining a geodatabase, showing different analysis methods up to visualization of spatial related topics as maps. The focus will be on the geo sciences.

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

(B11-STEOP) (B11-1.3) (B07-1.3) (L1-c2) (ACHTUNG: diese Lehrveranstaltung zählt nur im Bachelorstudium zur STEOP, nicht jedoch im Lehramtsstudium!)

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:42