300016 UE Concepts and methods in evolution, systematics and biogeography of plants (2009W)
Continuous assessment of course work
LV-Beginn: 05.10.2009; Termine der LV: 05.10.-16.10.2009, 9-14 Uhr, ÜR1
Schwierigkeiten mit Anmeldung über UNIVIS?? Bei Interesse bitte Anmeldung über Fronter oder per email an mich (karin.vetschera@univie.ac.at) unter Angabe von Matrikelnummer und Studienkennzahl bis spätestens 01.10.2009!
Schwierigkeiten mit Anmeldung über UNIVIS?? Bei Interesse bitte Anmeldung über Fronter oder per email an mich (karin.vetschera@univie.ac.at) unter Angabe von Matrikelnummer und Studienkennzahl bis spätestens 01.10.2009!
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 10.09.2009 10:00 to Su 27.09.2009 23:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 30.10.2009 23:00
max. 20 participants
Language: German
- Karin Vetschera
- Luise Elisabeth Ehrendorfer
- Irmgard Greilhuber
- Johann Greilhuber
- Christiane König
- Mary Rosabella Samuel
- Walter Till
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Introduction to concepts (hypotheses, theories) and relevant topics in botany and mycology, relating to systematics, taxonomy, morphological and molecular phylogeny, biogeography, chemodiversity research, and karyology; cases studies based on analytical methods and published data; documentation.
Assessment and permitted materials
Practical work: 40%
Protocol/oral presentation 60%
Protocol/oral presentation 60%
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Practice in basics of relevant analytical methods and correct application in scientific research
Examination topics
In accordance with aims and contents of the course as defined above
Reading list
siehe Lernplattform
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Sa 26.02.2022 00:26