Universität Wien

300048 VO Ecology of the ecozones of the world (2014W)

5.00 ECTS (4.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie



Aims, contents and method of the course

Part 1: Terrestrial ecosystems (Dullinger)

The lecture starts with a general account on how to classify (terrestrial) biota from an ecological point of view. Following the biome-concept of H. Walter the different life zones of the earth are presented. Each biome is presented regarding climate, soils, vegetation, animal life, and land use. Lectures focus on the (zonal) natural ecosystems but consider also azonal ecosystems (e.g. mires, mountains, ecosystems on poor soils), and cultivated land ecosystems.

Part 2: Freshwater systems (Battin)
Part 3: Marine systems (Herndl)

Assessment and permitted materials

examination in writing

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Grabherr (1997) Farbatlas Ökosysteme der Erde. Ulmer-Verlag, Stuttgart.

Nentwig/Bacher/Beierkuhnlein/Brandl/Grabherr (2003): Spektrum Lehrbuch ÖKOLOGIE, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin.

H. Walter, S.-W. Breckle (Hrsg.) (1991-2004): Ökologie der Erde, 4 Bde. Spektrum Akad. Verlag.

Association in the course directory

B-BOE 1, B-BPB 9, B-BMG 11, B-BAN 9, B-BMB 10, B-BPF 8, B-BZO 11, UF BU 10

Last modified: Fr 01.10.2021 00:24