300052 UE Practical Course in fluorescence-/confocal microscopy including image processing workshop (2015S)
for diploma, PhD and advanced students
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 05.02.2015 08:00 to Th 19.02.2015 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 27.03.2015 18:00
Registration information is available for each group.
Group 1
Preliminary Meeting: Thu, March 5th, 2015, 11.00-12.00am (sharp)
BZB/SR 3-3.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9.1030 Vienna. Attendance obligatory.
Registering for ONE of the two groups offered is sufficient!
Registration via UNIVIS does NOT necessarily mean you have a seat fixed! People will be selected based on the evaluation of the questionnaires by the head of the course; the final assignment of seats will be announced in the preliminary meeting. Please fill in questionnaires as soon as possible and send them to Josef.gotzmann@univie.ac.at; otherwise you cannot participate. Download at: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/zentrum_molekulare_biologie/Formulare/questionaire_english-confocal_course-Gotzmann-300052-SS2015.doc Number of attendants limited to 8 people per group (total 16). Details to programme and workflow in the preliminary meeting.
Dates for both courses/groups: 22., 24., 28.-30.4.; 5.-7., 11.-13.5.; (Attendance on all days obligatory). Location: MFPL-VBC5, Dr. Bohrg. 9, 1030 Vienna. More Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
BZB/SR 3-3.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9.1030 Vienna. Attendance obligatory.
Registering for ONE of the two groups offered is sufficient!
Registration via UNIVIS does NOT necessarily mean you have a seat fixed! People will be selected based on the evaluation of the questionnaires by the head of the course; the final assignment of seats will be announced in the preliminary meeting. Please fill in questionnaires as soon as possible and send them to Josef.gotzmann@univie.ac.at; otherwise you cannot participate. Download at: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/zentrum_molekulare_biologie/Formulare/questionaire_english-confocal_course-Gotzmann-300052-SS2015.doc Number of attendants limited to 8 people per group (total 16). Details to programme and workflow in the preliminary meeting.
Dates for both courses/groups: 22., 24., 28.-30.4.; 5.-7., 11.-13.5.; (Attendance on all days obligatory). Location: MFPL-VBC5, Dr. Bohrg. 9, 1030 Vienna. More Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
max. 8 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle
Currently no class schedule is known.
Assessment and permitted materials
oral exam and continuous assessment
Reading list
J.Pawley, Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, Springer, 2006
Yuste, Imaging – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2010
D.B.Murphy, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Wiley, 2001 / 2009
E.M.Goldys, Flurescence Applications in Biotechnology and the Life Sciences, Wiley, 2009
Kevin F. Sullivan, Fluorescent Proteins (Methods in Cell Biology) , Academic Press, 2008
Yuste, Imaging – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2010
D.B.Murphy, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Wiley, 2001 / 2009
E.M.Goldys, Flurescence Applications in Biotechnology and the Life Sciences, Wiley, 2009
Kevin F. Sullivan, Fluorescent Proteins (Methods in Cell Biology) , Academic Press, 2008
Group 2
Preliminary Meeting: Thu, March 5th, 2015, 11.00-12.00am (sharp)
BZB/SR 3-3.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9.1030 Vienna. Attendance obligatory.
Registering for ONE of the two groups offered is sufficient!
Registration via UNIVIS does NOT necessarily mean you have a seat fixed! People will be selected based on the evaluation of the questionnaires by the head of the course; the final assignment of seats will be announced in the preliminary meeting. Please fill in questionnaires as soon as possible and send them to Josef.gotzmann@univie.ac.at; otherwise you cannot participate. Download at: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/zentrum_molekulare_biologie/Formulare/questionaire_english-confocal_course-Gotzmann-300052-SS2015.doc Number of attendants limited to 8 people per group (total 16). Details to programme and workflow in the preliminary meeting.
Dates for both courses/groups: 22., 24., 28.-30.4.; 5.-7., 11.-13.5.; (Attendance on all days obligatory). Location: MFPL-VBC5, Dr. Bohrg. 9, 1030 Vienna. More Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
BZB/SR 3-3.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9.1030 Vienna. Attendance obligatory.
Registering for ONE of the two groups offered is sufficient!
Registration via UNIVIS does NOT necessarily mean you have a seat fixed! People will be selected based on the evaluation of the questionnaires by the head of the course; the final assignment of seats will be announced in the preliminary meeting. Please fill in questionnaires as soon as possible and send them to Josef.gotzmann@univie.ac.at; otherwise you cannot participate. Download at: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/zentrum_molekulare_biologie/Formulare/questionaire_english-confocal_course-Gotzmann-300052-SS2015.doc Number of attendants limited to 8 people per group (total 16). Details to programme and workflow in the preliminary meeting.
Dates for both courses/groups: 22., 24., 28.-30.4.; 5.-7., 11.-13.5.; (Attendance on all days obligatory). Location: MFPL-VBC5, Dr. Bohrg. 9, 1030 Vienna. More Infos: http://molekularebiologie.univie.ac.at/
max. 8 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle
Currently no class schedule is known.
Assessment and permitted materials
oral exam and continuous assessmen
Reading list
J.Pawley, Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy, Springer, 2006
Yuste, Imaging – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2010
D.B.Murphy, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Wiley, 2001 / 2009
E.M.Goldys, Flurescence Applications in Biotechnology and the Life Sciences, Wiley, 2009
Kevin F. Sullivan, Fluorescent Proteins (Methods in Cell Biology) , Academic Press, 2008
Yuste, Imaging – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2010
D.B.Murphy, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging, Wiley, 2001 / 2009
E.M.Goldys, Flurescence Applications in Biotechnology and the Life Sciences, Wiley, 2009
Kevin F. Sullivan, Fluorescent Proteins (Methods in Cell Biology) , Academic Press, 2008
Aims, contents and method of the course
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
The aim of the course is to give theoretical and practical support to students, who are or will in the near future be involved with light microscopical experiments within their Master/PhD/post-doc studies. The small groups (2 people) will allow to advice students somehow personally for their planned experimental approaches.
Examination topics
microscopy sample preparation
widefield fluorescence microscopy (incl. Köhler and contrast enhancement)
measuring point spread function and chromatic aberration
confocal microscopy
image processing using "huygens" and ImageJ software
widefield fluorescence microscopy (incl. Köhler and contrast enhancement)
measuring point spread function and chromatic aberration
confocal microscopy
image processing using "huygens" and ImageJ software
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43
Quality criteria for dealingwith aberrations correctionpractical microscopy of selected samples by fluorescence- and confocal microscopy (multichannel detection, serial optical sections through samples, image projections, generation of time series)image analysis and deconvolution of selected images