300140 VO+UE Live imaging course (2017S)
for diploma, PhD and advanced students
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 02.02.2017 08:00 to Th 16.02.2017 18:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 31.03.2017 18:00
max. 6 participants
Language: English
Preliminary Meeting: 2.3.2017, 11.30-11.30 (pünktlich); BZB/SR 3-6.Stock, Dr.Bohrgasse 9.1030 Wien. Attendance mandatory!
Course Dates: June 2oth+21st, 2017 (VBC5 level E1); 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.LIMITED ATTENDANCE: 6 peopleSimple UNIVIS registration is NOT necessarily a ticket for the course. In case of overbooking the head of the course will selcet people on the basis of career status and the demand on performing microscopic experiments.
Students with experience in light microscopy AND those who have a proven demand for their master/PhD-work will be preferentially selected.LIMITED ATTENDANCE: 6 people
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Continuous Assessment/Oral exam
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Students shall learn the theoretical background of imaging in a live regimen. This includes knowledge on instrumental and technological theory, combined with considerations on practical do's and don'ts. The latter shall finally be applied in practical hands-on-sessions using two different live microscopy setups.
Examination topics
a. Students will understand the theory behind basic and advanced light microscopy technologies
b. Students will get a deeper insight into the applicative potential of diverse light microscopy techniques for live imaging
c. Students will learn to transfer knowledge on microscopy hardware and fluorescent molecule selection into an experimental realization
d. Students will learn to critically review, troubleshoot and/or optimize live imaging experiments
e. Students will have to learn and work in cooperative teams
b. Students will get a deeper insight into the applicative potential of diverse light microscopy techniques for live imaging
c. Students will learn to transfer knowledge on microscopy hardware and fluorescent molecule selection into an experimental realization
d. Students will learn to critically review, troubleshoot and/or optimize live imaging experiments
e. Students will have to learn and work in cooperative teams
Reading list
Yuste, Live Imaging; A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2010
Helmchen et al., Imaging in Neuroscience-A Laboratory Manual; CSHL Press, 2011
Sharpe, Imaging in Developmental Biology – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2011
Goldman, Swedlow, Spector: Live Cell Imagign-A Laboratory manual; CSHL Press 2009
Helmchen et al., Imaging in Neuroscience-A Laboratory Manual; CSHL Press, 2011
Sharpe, Imaging in Developmental Biology – A Laboratory manual; CSHL-Press, 2011
Goldman, Swedlow, Spector: Live Cell Imagign-A Laboratory manual; CSHL Press 2009
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:43
- Lecture 2: Live Imaging Dyes and Fluorophores
hands-on planning of overnight and individual shorter time lapse experiments using widefield, spinning disc and confocal microscope setups