Universität Wien

300218 UE Scanning electron microscopy - techniques and preparations for biologists (2021S)

5.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 6 participants
Language: German, English



ATTENTION due to the precarious spatial situation in our laboratory, this course is offered as a hybrid course.
Online: All meetings, the safety istructions, the lecture, interim reports and exams are held digitally via online meetings.
Presence: The practical part of the exercise is carried out on an extra day for each of the 6 participants.
Dates online:
01.03.2021_8: 15 - 09:00: mandatory preliminary meeting (online). Each participant receives a link for the first meeting. The preliminary discussion serves to introduce the individual course participants and the course program is discussed.
01.03.2021_9:15 - 11:00: mandatory safety instructions (online).
02.03.2021 _8: 15 - 15:00: Lecture part 1
03.03.2021 8:15 - 15:00: Lecture part 2
Dates on site:
For the 6 participants, 6 days of attendance are offered in the electron microscopy laboratory (March 4th, 2021 - March 11th, 2021, 8:15 am - 2:00 pm).
From March 1st, 2021 there will be the opportunity to register for one of the attendance days.
The course ends on March 12th, 2021 with a debriefing and short presentations by the course participants (8:15 am - 12:00 pm).
The minutes and the worksheets must be submitted by March 26th at the latest.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Contents and methods:
Our Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) offer various techniques to investigate samples.
In this course you will have the opportunity to learn the necessary preparation steps and the usage of the SEM in several modes so that you can apply these techniques with your own samples afterwards.
The following techniques will be offered for sample preparation:
Fixation (glutaraldehyde, OsO4), dehydration (Ethanol, Acetone, DMP), drying (critical point, chemical), coating with gold and carbon, cryopreparation.
On the SEM you will use the following modes:
Secondary electron detector in low vacuum and high vacuum, backscatter electron detector in low vacuum and high vacuum, energy dispersive x-ray micro analysis with EDX detector (demo), cryo transfer of deep frozen samples (DEMO)

Assessment and permitted materials

Choice of relevant methods for sample preparation, practical work in our chemlab, operating preparation instruments and SEM, evaluation and interpretation of results.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

1) Cooperation (50%)
2) Protocol (20%)
4) Worksheets(30%)

Every part has to be positive

Examination topics

Theoretical background (lecture). Operating the preparation instruments and the SEM (practical work). Evaluation and interpretation of the results.

Reading list

Will be presented during the course

Association in the course directory

M-WZB, MAN 3, MEC-9, MBO 7, MZO 2

Last modified: We 05.05.2021 09:49