Universität Wien

300385 VO Human Anatomy - Osteology and Arthrology (2014W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie



Aims, contents and method of the course

Assessment and permitted materials


30. 01. 2015 08.00-08.45h HS 2
06. 02. 2015 08.00-08.45h HS 2
06. 03. 2015 08.00-08.45h HS 1
26. 06. 2015 08.00-08.45h HS 1

Prüfungsanmeldung per email

An- /Abmeldeschluss bis 1 Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

B-BAN 1, B-BMG 11, B-BMB 10, B-BOE 11, B-BPB 12, B-BPF 8, B-BZO 11, EC EA PM2, UF BU 10

Last modified: Fr 01.10.2021 00:25