300515 VO+UE Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria (2007S)
Nature-protection oriented agriculture in Austria
Continuous assessment of course work
Do 12:00 - 14:00, Seminarraum 3 (Zoologie); LA-BU 262. Vorbesprechung: 08.03.2007
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Vorstellung der wichtigsten Kennzeichen einer nachhaltigen, umweltschonenden und naturschutzorientierten Landwirtschaft.
Examination topics
Projektarbeit, Exkursionen
Reading list
Association in the course directory
LA-BU 262, 444
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:56
Recognise of the most important attributes of a sustainable, environmentally and nature protection oriented agriculture.
Contents of teaching:
==> Module 1: Agriculture in Austria (presentation of the most important branches of the Austrian agriculture, facts & features, "Green report")
==> Module 2: Soil (soil set-up, soil functions, groundmapping, humus cultivation, soil fertility, soil conservation, soil erosion)
==> Module 3: Agriculture and water protection (influence of agriculture to groundwater and surface water, cultivation of retention areas)
==> Module 4: Agriculture and nature protection (cultivation of Nature 2000 areas, nature protection areas, protection of species, presentation of "Distelverein" - work)
==> Module 5: ÖPUL (presentation of the most important points of the "Austrian program for a sustainable agriculture")
==> Module 6: Organic farming (presentation of the production rules of organic and conventional agriculture, importance and perspectives of organic farming in Austria)
==> Module 7: Energy from the agriculture (biomass for thermal utilization, fermentation gas, plant oil for fuel, alcohol as fuel, bio diesel, block heat and power plant, windmills, photovoltaic at agricultural buildings)
==> Module 8: Globalisation and sustainable agriculture (WTO, FAIR TRADE, World market for agricultural products, futures trading, GMO in the agriculture)
==> Module 9: 3 Excursions 4-6 hours each (the contents of teaching from module 1 - 8 will be shown in the practices)
Didactic methods: Project work, excursions