Universität Wien

300543 UE+EX Biology of the Cladoceran Branchiopods (2013S)

Systematics, Biology and Ecology of the Cladoceran Branchiopods of Central Europe.

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 30 - Biologie
Continuous assessment of course work

Vorbesprechung: Do. 7.3.2013, 8:00-8:45 Uhr im ÜR 2.
Beginn: 14.03.2013, 8:00 - 11:45
Kurszeiten (ÜR 2): 14.03., 21.03.,11.04., 25.04., 2.05. zw. 8:00 und 11:45 Uhr. Am 18.04. zwischen 8:00 und 11:00 findet eine Exkursion in der Obere Lobau statt, danach werden die Proben bis ca. 13:00 im Labor bearbeitet.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 15 participants
Language: German



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

This special course offers training for identification of branchiopod microcrustaceans (Cladocera: Anomopoda , Ctenopoda & Onychopoda; Leptodorida: Haplopoda) of waterbodies from Central Europe. It includes theory on morphology and anatomy, biology and ecology, habitat and geographical distribution, economic value, systematics and phylogeny of the group. The laboratory work includes observation of living animals and narkotizing, preparation and illustration technics, calculation of biomasse and identification of cladocerans and leptodorids. Sampling technics of species on plankton and benthos habitats is shown.
Exam: Writen exam about theoretical questions of the group and identification of various species at the laboratory.

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:44