301580 SE Cell Biology Today: Current Topics, Methodology, and Project Design (2018W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Th 06.09.2018 08:00 to Th 20.09.2018 18:00
- Deregistration possible until We 31.10.2018 18:00
max. 16 participants
Language: German, English
Vorbesprechung: 03.10.2018, 15:00, BZB/SR 5.Stock (5117)
Termine: folgt, täglich 14.00 -17.00 Uhr im SR 4.Stock
Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Proseminar Zellbiologie.Von den Studierenden, die diese Zulassungsvoraussetzungen erfüllen, werden jene bevorzugt, die zusätzlich die Vorlesung Advanced Cell Biology erfolgreich absolviert haben.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Compulsory attendance; the evaluation consists of different performances: quality and completeness of the seminar presentation, active participation in the scientific discussion of the presented publications, written records (the percentage of the subgrades will be announced by the course leader); each of the subgrades must have a positive evaluation.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Recognition of important current and future topics and problems of cell
biology and the ability to suggest state of the art experimental
strategies to elucidate current open questions; experimental design and
controls, recognition and avoidance of potential problems, combination of
experiments to comprehensive and doable projects with relevant and
publishable outcome.
biology and the ability to suggest state of the art experimental
strategies to elucidate current open questions; experimental design and
controls, recognition and avoidance of potential problems, combination of
experiments to comprehensive and doable projects with relevant and
publishable outcome.
Examination topics
An den ersten 1-2 Tagen werden die einzelnen Methodengruppen von den Studierenden präsentiert. Tage 3-4: Die Studierenden werden in Gruppen von 2-4 Personen eingeteilt. Jede Gruppe erhält eine wissenschaftliche Fragenstellung aus dem Bereich Zellbiologie/molekulare Medizin. Die Studierenden erarbeiten ein Konzept bzw. entwickeln ein Forschungsprojekt zur Klärung der Fragestellung.
Tag 5: Präsentation des entwickelten Projekts.
Tag 5: Präsentation des entwickelten Projekts.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: We 26.09.2018 10:48
discussion, a collection of state of the art methods in molecular cell
biology and the choice and application of these methods to answer open
questions; estimates of time and material requirements.