320026 SE Journal Club: phytochemistry and bioactive natural products (2019W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Language: English
enrolled master/diploma students will be contacted and informed about the location and the dates. The seminar takes place every second week (Thursdays, 15:00 in room 2D 402)
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
compulsory attendance, presentation of a Journal contribution, presentation of own reserach progress, active contribution to discussion
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
ability to present and critically discuss a published article, to present own data and to defend it in front of a scientific community
Examination topics
PP-Presentation and discussion with an audience in a seminar room
Reading list
Association in the course directory
A310, A400
Last modified: Th 09.01.2020 20:09
The students will learn how to handle most recently published papers; they will be guided how to reflect on scientific publications; their attention will be drawn to key data (tested concentrations, use of positive controls etc.)