320063 UE Cell cultures in Pharmaceutical Technology - practical course (2015W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Language: German
Vorbesprechung: Mi., 14. Oktober 2015, 11.15 Uhr, UZA2 - HS 5
Bitte beachten:
Die Teilnahme an dieser LV ist nur möglich, wenn bereits im SS15 eine Voranmeldung erfolgt ist!
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
eigenständige Arbeit - Mitarbeit
eigenständige Arbeit - Mitarbeit
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:57
to give detailed information about the principles und application of pharmaceutical cell culture models, to establish a basis for self-dependent cell culture workContents:
basic characteristics of the mammaliancell (structure, molecular organisation, physiology)cell culture models in pharmaceutical analysis, suitable cell lines (Caco-2, HT29, ...- characteristics, special features, application)guidelines for cultivation of cells (materials and methods, practical application, precautions), tissue-models (preparation of monolayers, differentiation, trans-well-systems, TEER-measurements, marker compounds)application of pharmaceutical cell cultures (potentials, limits, comparison between in vitro and in vivo - systems), experimental setup (single cells, monolayers, trans-well-systems)analytical techniques using cell cultures: proliferation studies (MTT, BrdU), viability tests (trypane blue, ethidium bromide), fluorescence-reader, flow-cytometry, confocal laser scanning microscopyselected examples for the pharmaceutical application of Caco-2 cells (binding studies, competitive inhibition of cellular interactions, differences single cell/monolayer, transport studies)Prerequisites: none
Examination: oral