340167 UE Basic Competence Translation B Interpreting (2021W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 10.09.2021 09:00 to Fr 24.09.2021 17:00
- Registration is open from Mo 11.10.2021 09:00 to Fr 15.10.2021 17:00
- Registration is open from Mo 08.11.2021 09:00 to Mo 10.01.2022 09:00
- Deregistration possible until Mo 10.01.2022 09:00
max. 30 participants
Language: German
Mo 07.02.2022 09.45-15.45 Ort: digital
Di 08.02.2022 09.45-15.45 Ort: digital
Mi 09.02.2022 09.45-15.45 Ort: digital
Do 10.02.2022 09.45-15.45 Ort: digital
Fr 11.02.2022 09.45-15.45 Ort: digital
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
70% Interpreting deliveries in class (cons, sim, liaison, group discussion) - graded 1-5
15% Short presentations and/or participation in group discussion/dialogue settings - graded 1-5
15% home work and active participation
15% Short presentations and/or participation in group discussion/dialogue settings - graded 1-5
15% home work and active participation
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirement: 60%
Attendance is obligatory. You may miss a maximum of 3 hours (180 min.)
Attendance is obligatory. You may miss a maximum of 3 hours (180 min.)
Examination topics
No exam
Reading list
Recommended reading:
Rozan, Jean-Francois (1956) "La prise de notes en interprétation consécutive". Genève: Georg. (also available in English: "Note-taking in consecutive interpreting" (2002).)
Matyssek, Heinz (1989) "Handbuch der Notizentechnik für Dolmetscher: ein Weg zur sprachunabhängigen Notation". Heidelberg: Groos.
Rozan, Jean-Francois (1956) "La prise de notes en interprétation consécutive". Genève: Georg. (also available in English: "Note-taking in consecutive interpreting" (2002).)
Matyssek, Heinz (1989) "Handbuch der Notizentechnik für Dolmetscher: ein Weg zur sprachunabhängigen Notation". Heidelberg: Groos.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Tu 11.01.2022 10:50
Preparatory exercises and interpreting exercises; simulation of different communicative settings that involve interpreting; short presentations by students; peer to peer feedback; expert feedback.