340182 SE Research Seminar (2010W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Erster Termin (Programm-Besprechung) am 13. Oktober.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from We 01.09.2010 09:00 to Th 07.10.2010 18:00
- Registration is open from Mo 18.10.2010 09:00 to Fr 22.10.2010 09:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 22.10.2010 09:00
max. 30 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Wednesday 13.10. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 20.10. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 27.10. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 03.11. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 10.11. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 17.11. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 24.11. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 15.12. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 12.01. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 19.01. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
- Wednesday 26.01. 09:30 - 11:00 Hörsaal 1 ZfT Gymnasiumstraße 50 1.OG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Seminar for supervisees (MA theses and doctoral dissertations).
Assessment and permitted materials
Assessment for this course is based on regular attendance and active participation in the seminar sessions and on the quality of the oral presentation and the seminar paper, the latter being the most significant component of the overall grade.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Conceptual and methodological development of MA theses and doctoral dissertations; development and enhancement of research skills, particularly with regard to research design and techniques of data collection and analysis as well as oral and written presentation.
Examination topics
Discussion of projects; oral presentations with group discussion; submission of a seminar paper.
Reading list
Pöchhacker, F. (2004) Introducing Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge.
Pöchhacker, F. & Shlesinger, M. (eds) The Interpreting Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Weitere, insbes. methodenbezogene Literatur wird im Lauf des Seminars nach Bedarf angegeben.
Further (methodological) literature will be indicated as needed during the course.
Pöchhacker, F. & Shlesinger, M. (eds) The Interpreting Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Weitere, insbes. methodenbezogene Literatur wird im Lauf des Seminars nach Bedarf angegeben.
Further (methodological) literature will be indicated as needed during the course.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:45