350243 UE Accompanying the Writing of Bachelor thesis (2024W)
Fachgruppen: Ernährung, Bewegung und Gesundheit
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 09.09.2024 09:00 to Mo 23.09.2024 12:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 31.10.2024 12:00
max. 15 participants
Language: German
Dates: Tuesday, 09:30-11:00 Uhr, 01.10.2024, 08.10.2024 and 15.10.2024
Location: Hörsaal Dachgeschoß, USZ II
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
The entire performance by students for baccalaureate/bachelor's theses of the winter semester must be completed by the following April 30 at the latest, and for baccalaureate/bachelor's theses of the summer semester by the following September 30 at the latest. Students who have not deregistered from the course in question must be evaluated. In case of a negative assessment, a board examination is not permitted and the course must be repeated. Legal source: Statutes of the University of Vienna §10 (4, 5, 6). You are explicitly informed that if you are found to have cheated (e.g.: Copying, plagiarizing, use of unauthorized aids, forgery, ghostwriting, etc.) the entire PI-LV will be considered cheated and will count as examination attempt. (Entry in U:SPACE: X = not assessed).
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Writing of a scientific thesis according to the institute's guidelines. The topic should document the current state of research. Please note that the plugin Turnitin performs a text similarity check (= plagiarism check) when submitting the bachelor thesis via moodle and informs you about the result. A positive completion is only possible after a successful plagiarism check. What is plagiarism? "Plagiarism occurs when texts, contents or ideas are taken over and passed off as one's own. This includes, in particular, the appropriation and use of text passages, theories, hypotheses, findings or data by means of direct, paraphrased or translated adoption without appropriate acknowledgement and citation of the source and the author." [Section 51(2)(31) UG]
Grading scale:
Fail: <60%
Sufficient: 60-70%
Satisfactory: 71-80%
Good: 81-90%
Very good: 91-100%
Grading scale:
Fail: <60%
Sufficient: 60-70%
Satisfactory: 71-80%
Good: 81-90%
Very good: 91-100%
Examination topics
Items of work:- Graphical Abstract 10%
- Exercise literature search 10%
- Table of Contents 10%
- Exposé (synopsis) 21%
- Bachelor thesis 49%For a positive grade ALL items of work have to be completed.
- Exercise literature search 10%
- Table of Contents 10%
- Exposé (synopsis) 21%
- Bachelor thesis 49%For a positive grade ALL items of work have to be completed.
Reading list
Boland. (2017). Doing a systematic review : a student's guide / (2nd edition..). SAGE Publications.
PRISMA Statement (2020). https://prisma-statement.org//
Vorlesungsunterlagen auf moodle bereit gestellt
PRISMA Statement (2020). https://prisma-statement.org//
Vorlesungsunterlagen auf moodle bereit gestellt
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 30.09.2024 13:07
- Table of contents and outline
- Exposé
- Graphic Abstract
- (Systematic) Review regarding a specific research questionThe tasks and the thesis can be written in german or english. The topics will be assigned via Moodle after the first lecture and will be uploaded to u:find by Septmeber 9th.Johanna Sick:
- How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect physical education in schools?
- COVID-19 related changes in body image, eating behavior and physical activity in children and adolescents
- Effects of exercise (acute or chronic) on heart rate variability in children and adolescents
- Exercise therapy in children and adolescents with mental health disordersKevin Bischof:
- Bedeutung einer Langzeit-Kollageneinnahme bei bewegungsassoziierten Gelenksschmerzen
- Bedeutung einer (Langzeit-) Taurineinnahme zur Steigerung der Ausdauerleistungsfähigkeit
- Bedeutung des Glucose-Fructose Einnahmeverhältnisses während langanhaltenden Ausdauereinheiten
- Nutzen einer Kohlenhydrateinnahme von über 90 g/h während langanhaltenden AusdauereinheitenDaniel König:
- Timing der Proteinzufuhr und deren Einfluss auf Muskelproteinsynthese und Erholung
- Hydration und Leistungsfähigkeit in Ausdauersportarten
- Verzehr von Früchten – gibt es Hinweise auf eine erhöhte Leistungsfähigkeit oder Belastbarkeit im Sport?
- Anwendung von Glycerol im Sport - Bedeutung, möglicher Wirkmechanismus und sportpraktische Relevanz