806125 UE Physikalisch-chemische Übung (Alter Studienplan) (2000S)
Physikalisch-chemische Übungen für Anfänger (3 Parallelkurse)
Continuous assessment of course work
Di 08.45-17.45, Inst. f. Physikal. Chemie(Studienzweig Chemie, Biochemie, Lebensmittelchemie)
Language: German
- Oskar Friedrich Olaj
- Renate Eibler
- Peter Herzig
- Kurt Hiebl
- Harald Kauffmann
- Andreas Kornherr
- Gerhard Nauer
- Peter Franz Rogl
- Georg Schmetterer
- Julius Schuster
- Johannes Theiner
- Josef Tomiska
- Hans-Walter Tromballa
- Franz Weitzer
- Emmerich Wilhelm
- Gerhard Zifferer
- Harald Oelschlaeger
- Günter Peschek
- Raimund Podloucky
- Harald Schmidt
- Irene Schnöll-Bitai
- Günter Trettenhahn
- Philipp Vana
- Monika Zoder
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Currently no association information is available.
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 09:01