Course Exam
020003 VO History of Islam in Europe 1: Al-Andalus (2013W)
Splendour and Fragility of the Encounter of Muslims, Jews and Christians in Medieval Spain
Examination topics
Lectures and questions. Power point presentations are uploaded to the moodle platform every week. The presence in the course can be replaced by reading at home according to the topics covered in the course. A bibliographical list will be posted to the moodle platform.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written examination (multiple choice) on the complete content of the course at the end of the semester or a term paper (“Seminararbeit”) with a minimum of 15-20 pages on a special topic related to the topic of the course. The multiple choice test is in English. The term paper can be delivered in English or German.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Overview on the history of Islam in Spain, the splendour of its cultural, scientific, economic and religious achievements and the fragility of interreligious relations between Muslims, Christians and Jews.
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:27